Alexander Brandon Coles
Alexander Brandon Coles
_From [alex.coles]( on October 28, 2008 02:18:28_ It would be nice to have the option of wrapping MarkdownJ's output in html tags through the tag in order to generate a...
_From [alex.coles]( on October 28, 2008 01:22:45_ Underscores around text gives performance problems I have discovered what appears to be a bug that can lead to rather severe performance problems....
_From [alex.coles]( on October 28, 2008 01:21:14_ Underscores in links can generate undeeded em tags As an example: []( e/) to read the report. Also see: at [](
Replaces PR #22
Heroku can generate pseudo-random string of characters. See
Fixes load from string test to actually test loading from string. Fixes #57 #58
To reproduce: - Change the load from string test to actually load from string: #57 Workaround: I haven't had time to dig into the issue. However commenting the following lines...
Show correct usage with String and IO streams. Fixes #49