bibliotheek_be copied to clipboard Home Assistant custom component HACS with overview of lended Belgian library items and services to (automatically) extend loans. Bib Home Assistant integration Home Assistant custom component. It provides a clear overview of all items loaned a the different libraries by different users linked to an main account (eg children). An overview off all items per library or an overview of all items per user can be shown, see complex markdown examples below. Based on the sensors, automations can be build to get warned: eg when little time is left and certainly when extension is not possible. By using the custom services available in this integration, the loans can be extended automatically, which can be integrated in automations.
:warning: Please don't report issues with this integration to, they will not be able to support you. |
- HACS: search for the integration in the list of HACS
- Restart Home Assistant
- Add '' integration via HA Settings > 'Devices and Services' > 'Integrations'
- Provide username and password
should become available with the number of items lent out.
will be created for each user linked to the accountAttribute Description State Number of loans by this user at this library userid
Technical user id assigned by barcode
The unique user barcode which is also shown on the library card barcode_url
Image url of the unique user barcode which is also shown on the library card num_loans
Number of loans by this user at this library (same as state value) num_reservations
Number of reservations by this user at this library open_amounts
Open amount (€) due to this library (eg related to fines) username
First and lastname of the user libraryName
Name of the library or the group of libraries loandetails
Json containing all the loans of this user at this library. The structure of json is:
{ 'item name' :
{ tile: 'title of the item',
author: 'author of the item',
loan_type: 'type of the item (eg book, dvd, ...) ,
url: 'url of the specific item',
image_src: 'url to image of the item',
days_remaining: 'number of days by which the item has to be returned or extended',
loan_from: 'Start date of the loan',
loan_till: 'Date by which the item needs to be returned',
extend_loan_id: 'the id used to extend the item, if no id is available, the item can not be extended',
library: 'name of the actual library location (city) where the item is belonging too',
user: 'the user that lended the item',
barcode: 'the barcode of the card that was used to lend the item' }
will be created for each libraryAttribute Description State Min days left by which some items need to be returned some_not_extendable
True if some of the items that needs to be returned first (see state for nr of days) of this library can not be extended lowest_till_date
Min date by which some items need to be returned num_loans
Number of loans that need to be returned first (see state for nr of days) num_loans_total
Total number of loans at this library loandetails
Json containing all the loans of this user at this library. The structure of json is:
[{ 'item name' :
{ tile: 'title of the item',
author: 'author of the item',
loan_type: 'type of the item (eg book, dvd, ...) ,
url: 'url of the specific item',
image_src: 'url to image of the item',
days_remaining: 'number of days by which the item has to be returned or extended',
loan_from: 'Start date of the loan',
loan_till: 'Date by which the item needs to be returned',
extend_loan_id: 'the id used to extend the item, if no id is available, the item can not be extended',
library: 'name of the actual library location (city) where the item is belonging too',
user: 'the user that lended the item',
barcode: 'the barcode of the card that was used to lend the item' }]
<loan_type> Number of items of this loan type lended. For each loan type known this attribute will be added address Street and city address details of the library latitude GPS coordincates of the library, makes it possible to show the sensor on a map longitude GPS coordincates of the library, makes it possible to show the sensor on a map phone Phone number of the library email Email address of the library opening_hours Opening hours of the library closed_date Closing days of the library with reason of closure -
will indicate within how many days some items have to be returned at *any* library (this can be used of conditions, notifications, etc).Attribute Description State Min days left by which some items need to be returned by any user linked to the account at any library some_not_extendable
True if some of the items that needs to be returned first (see state for nr of days) of this library can not be extended lowest_till_date
Min date by which some items need to be returned num_loans
Number of loans that need to be returned first (see state for nr of days) num_loans_total
Total number of loans by any user at any library library_name
Name(s) of the library at which some items need to be returned first (or comma spearated list of names) - Following services
will be available:-
: extend a single item, based onextend_loan_id
, if thedays_remaining
is less than or equal the max setervice: bibliotheek_be.extend_loan ata: extend_loan_id: 12345678 max_days_remaining: 8
: extend all loans of a library that havedays_remaining
less than or equal the max setervice: bibliotheek_be.extend_loans_library ata: library_name: 'City' max_days_remaining: 8
: extend all loans of a user that havedays_remaining
less than or equal the max setervice: bibliotheek_be.extend_loan ata: barcode: '1234567890123' max_days_remaining: 8
: extend all loans that havedays_remaining
less than or equal the max setervice: bibliotheek_be.extend_loan ata: max_days_remaining: 8
Still some optimisations are planned, see Issues section in GitHub.
Technical pointers
The main logic and API connection related code can be found within source code bibliotheek_be/custom_components/bibliotheek_be:
All other files just contain boilerplat code for the integration to work wtihin HA or to have some constants/strings/translations.
Example usage:
Markdown Example for details of all libraries
Click to show the Mardown example
type: markdown
content: >
{% if state_attr('sensor.bibliotheek_be_warning','refresh_required') %}
De gegevens moeten nog bijgewerkt worden!
{% endif %}
{% set libraries = states |
selectattr("entity_id","match","^sensor.bibliotheek_be_bib*") |
rejectattr("state", "match","unavailable") | list %}
{% for library_device in libraries %}
{% set library = library_device.entity_id %}
## Bib {{state_attr(library,'libraryName') }}:
{% set all_books = state_attr(library,'loandetails')| list |sort(attribute="days_remaining", reverse=False) %}
{% if all_books %}
{% set urgent_books = all_books | selectattr("days_remaining", "eq",int(state_attr(library,'days_left'))) | list |sort(attribute="extend_loan_id", reverse=False)%}
{% set other_books = all_books | rejectattr("days_remaining", "eq",int(state_attr(library,'days_left'))) | list |sort(attribute="days_remaining", reverse=False)%}
- {{state_attr(library,"num_loans") }} stuk{% if state_attr(library,'num_loans')|int > 1 %}s{% endif %} {%if state_attr(library,'some_not_extendable')%}**in te leveren** binnen{% else %}te verlengen in{% endif %} **{{states(library)}}** dag{% if states(library)|int > 1 %}en{% endif %}: {{strptime(state_attr(library,'lowest_till_date'), "%d/%m/%Y").strftime("%a %d/%m/%Y") }}
<summary>Toon details:</summary>
{% for book in all_books %}
<summary>{% if book.extend_loan_id %}{{ strptime(book.loan_till, "%d/%m/%Y").strftime("%a %d/%m/%Y") }}{% else %}<b>{{ strptime(book.loan_till, "%d/%m/%Y").strftime("%a %d/%m/%Y") }}</b>{% endif %}: {{ book.title }}{% if != "-"%} ~ {{ }}{% endif %}</summary>
| | |
| :--- | :--- |
| Binnen: | {{ book.days_remaining }} dagen |
| Verlenging: | {% if book.extend_loan_id %}<a href="https://{{state_attr(library,'libraryName') }}{{book.userid}}/uitleningen/verlengen?loan-ids={{book.extend_loan_id}}" target="_blank">verlengbaar</a>{% else %}**Niet verlengbaar**{% endif %} |
| Bibliotheek: | <a href="{{book.url}}" target="_blank">{{book.library}}</a> |
| Gebruiker: | [{{book.user}} ({{book.barcode}})]({{book.barcode}}) |
| Type: | {% if book.loan_type == 'Unknown' %}Onbekend{% else %}{{book.loan_type}}{% endif %} |
| Afbeelding: | [<img src="{{ book.image_src }}" height="100"/>]({{book.url}}) |
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
- <details><summary>In totaal {{state_attr(library,'num_total_loans') }} uitgeleend:</summary>
- Boeken: {{state_attr(library,'Boek') }}
- Onbekend: {{state_attr(library,'Unknown') }}
- DVDs: {{state_attr(library,'Dvd') }}
- Strips: {{state_attr(library,'Strip') }}
- <details><summary>Info Bib {{state_attr(library,'libraryName') }}</summary>
- Url: {{state_attr(library,'url')}}
- Adres: {{state_attr(library,'address')}}
- GPS: [{{state_attr(library,'latitude')}},{{state_attr(library,'longitude')}}]({{state_attr(library,'latitude')}},{{state_attr(library,'longitude')}}&ll=)
- Tel: {{state_attr(library,'phone')}}
- Email: {{state_attr(library,'email')}}
- Openingsuren:
{% for key,value in state_attr(library,'opening_hours').items() %}
- {{key}}: {{value | join(', ')}}{% if not value %}Gesloten{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
- Sluitingsdagen:
{% for closed in state_attr(library,'closed_dates') %}
- {{}}: {{closed.reason}}
{% endfor %}
Laatst bijgewerkt: {{state_attr(library,'last update')| as_timestamp |
timestamp_custom("%d %h %H:%M")}}
{% endfor %}
Markdown Example for details of all users:
Click to show the Mardown example
type: markdown
content: >-
{% set library_users = states |
selectattr("entity_id","match","^sensor.bibliotheek_be_*") |
rejectattr("entity_id","match","^sensor.bibliotheek_be_warning")| list%}
{% for user_device in library_users %}
{% set user = user_device.entity_id %}
{% if state_attr(user,'num_loans') > 0 %}
<details><summary><b>{{state_attr(user,'username') }}
{{state_attr(user,'libraryName') }}:</b></summary>
- Kaart {{state_attr(user,'barcode') }} ({{state_attr(user,'barcode_spell')| join(', ') }}):
[<img src="{{state_attr(user,'barcode_url') }}" height=100></img>]({{state_attr(user,'barcode_url') }})
- Gereserveerde stuks: {{state_attr(user,'num_reservations') }}
- Uitstaande boetes: {{state_attr(user,'open_amounts') }}
{% if state_attr(user,'num_loans') > 0 %}
{% set all_books = state_attr(user,'loandetails').values() |sort(attribute="days_remaining", reverse=False)%}
- In totaal {{state_attr(user,'num_loans') }} uitgeleend{% if all_books %}
{% for book in all_books %}
- <details><summary>{% if book.extend_loan_id %}{{ strptime(book.loan_till, "%d/%m/%Y").strftime("%a %d/%m/%Y") }}{% else %}<b>{{ strptime(book.loan_till, "%d/%m/%Y").strftime("%a %d/%m/%Y") }}</b>{% endif %}: {{ book.title }}{% if != "-"%} ~ {{ }}{% endif %}</summary>
| | |
| :--- | :--- |
| Binnen: | {{ book.days_remaining }} dagen |
| Verlenging: | {% if book.extend_loan_id %}verlengbaar{% else %}**Niet verlengbaar**{% endif %} |
| Bibliotheek: | <a href="{{book.url}}" target="_blank">{{book.library}}</a> |
| Type: | {% if book.loan_type == 'Unknown' %}Onbekend{% else %}{{book.loan_type}}{% endif %} |
| Afbeelding: | [<img src="{{ book.image_src }}" height="100"/>]({{book.url}}) |
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
- Geen uitleningen
{% endif %}
Laatst bijgewerkt: {{state_attr(user,'last update') | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for user_device in library_users %}
{% set user = user_device.entity_id %}
{% if state_attr(user,'num_loans') == 0 %}
<details><summary><b>{{state_attr(user,'username') }}
{{state_attr(user,'libraryName') }}:</b></summary>
- Kaart {{state_attr(user,'barcode') }} ({{state_attr(user,'barcode_spell')| join(', ') }}):
[<img src="{{state_attr(user,'barcode_url') }}" height=100></img>]({{state_attr(user,'barcode_url') }})
- Gereserveerde stuks: {{state_attr(user,'num_reservations') }}
- Uitstaande boetes: {{state_attr(user,'open_amounts') }}
- Geen uitleningen
Laatst bijgewerkt: {{state_attr(user,'last update') | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
title: Gebruikers
Example with conditional check for warnings:
Extra binary sensor based on personal perference on number of days to limit the warning
The example below will create a binary sensor that will turn on if items have to be returned within 7 days. The alert sensor will be turned on if items have to be returned within 7 days and no extension is possible for some or all.
Click to show the binary sensor configuration example
- platform: template
friendly_name: Bibliotheek Warning 7d
value_template: >
{{states('sensor.bibliotheek_be_warning')|int <= 7}}
- platform: template
friendly_name: Bibliotheek Alert 7d
value_template: >
{{states('sensor.bibliotheek_be_warning')|int <= 7 and state_attr('sensor.bibliotheek_be_warning','some_not_extendable') == True}}
Base on these sensors, a automation can be build for notifications or below conditional card can be defined:
Click to show the lovelace card example
- type: conditional
- entity: binary_sensor.bibliotheek_warning_7d
state: 'on'
- entity: binary_sensor.bibliotheek_alert_7d
state: 'off'
type: markdown
content: ⏰Boeken verlengen deze week !
- type: conditional
- entity: binary_sensor.bibliotheek_warning_7d
state: 'on'
- entity: binary_sensor.bibliotheek_alert_7d
state: 'on'
type: markdown
content: ⏰Boeken binnen brengen deze week !
Example automation
Example automation that will automatically extend all items that have 7 or less days left before they need to be returned, whenever the days left is is below 6.
alias: Bibliotheek extend all verlengingen
description: ""
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.bibliotheek_be_warning
below: 6
condition: []
- service: bibliotheek_be.extend_all_loans
max_days_remaining: 7
- service: notify.notify
message: Al de boeken die konden verlengd worden, werden verlengd.
mode: single
Example script to create a persistent notification for all books
When going to the library, I often want to make sure all books are packed. So I created a script that will make a persisten notification for each book lended. This way, when the book is added into our basket, the notification can easily be dismissed and remaining books can be searched.
alias: Boeken notificaties
- variables:
libraries: >-
{{states | selectattr("entity_id","match","^sensor.bibliotheek_be_bib*")
| rejectattr("state", "match","unavailable") |
map(attribute='entity_id') | list}}
- repeat:
for_each: "{{libraries}}"
- variables:
library: "{{repeat.item}}"
- repeat:
for_each: >-
{{state_attr(library,'loandetails')| list
|sort(attribute="days_remaining", reverse=True)| list}}
- variables:
book: "{{repeat.item}}"
- service: notify.persistent_notification
title: "{{book.title}} ~ {{}}"
message: >-
{% if book.extend_loan_id == '' %}<b>Kan NIET verlengd
worden</b><br>{% endif %} {{ book.days_remaining }} dagen:
%d/%m/%Y')}}<br> {{state_attr(library,'libraryName')}}
- service: notify.persistent_notification
title: "{{state_attr(library,'libraryName')}}"
message: >-
- Openingsuren: {% for key,value in
state_attr(library,'opening_hours').items() %}
- {{key}}: {{value | join(',')}}{% if not value %}Gesloten{% endif %}{% endfor %}
- Sluitingsdagen: {% for closed in
state_attr(library,'closed_dates') %}
- {{}}: {{closed.reason}}{% endfor %}-
mode: single
icon: mdi:basket-check