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:sunglasses: A curated list of talks about React or topics related to React

This is :point_right: Awesome React Talks :point_left: Awesome

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There are a lot of screencasts, recordings of user group gatherings and conference talks available online. This is a curated list of talks about React or topics related to React that I enjoyed. I'll be updating this list whenever I've watched another awesome talk that is worth adding. Suggestions are always appreciated through a pull request. Please take a look at the Contribution Guidelines beforehand.

:point_down: 2016

:point_down: 2015

:point_down: 2014

:point_down: 2013

:thumbsup: Recommendations

You should also checkout the awesome-react and awesome-react-components repos.

:iphone: You fancy React Native talks

Check out my other repo awesome-react-native-talks.

:memo: TODO

  • Add rating system based on number of views.



To the extent possible under law, Tiaan du Plessis has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.