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Wildcards in routingkeys
I have still the huge problem using wildcards in routing keys. What I want to archive: I have two subscribers: First one should listen all events in exchange. Second one should listen only event with specific routing key.
Example implementation you can find below.
If I omit messageType on Publisher - both subscribers are called twice. If i set messageType to "#" - only second subscriber will be called, but again twice.
I know about issue using messageTypes, but have no idea how can I avoid this with some workaround.
var util = require("util");
var Rabbus = require("rabbus");
var wascally = require("wascally");
"connection": {
"server": "localhost",
"vhost": "/",
"user": "guest",
"pass": "guest"
"consumerId": "test"
}).then(function () {
var c1 = new Rabbus.Subscriber(wascally, {
exchange: {
name: 'pub-sub.exchange',
type: 'topic'
routingKey: "pub-sub.key",
queue: "foo1"
c1.subscribe(function(msg, props, actions){
console.log("c1 got it!");
var c2 = new Rabbus.Subscriber(wascally, {
exchange: {
name: 'pub-sub.exchange',
type: 'topic'
routingKey: "#",
queue: "foo2"
c2.subscribe(function(msg, props, actions){
console.log("c2 got it!");
setTimeout(function () {
function SomePublisher(){
Rabbus.Publisher.call(this, wascally, {
exchange: {
name: 'pub-sub.exchange',
type: 'topic'
routingKey: "pub-sub.key",
messageType: "#"
util.inherits(SomePublisher, Rabbus.Publisher);
var publisher = new SomePublisher();
var message = {
place: "world"
publisher.publish(message, function(){
console.log("published a message");
}, 250);
i'm finally looking into this and am seeing very strange behavior, indeed. i'll have to keep digging, but i suspect that this is caused by wascally's use of postal.js internally. i'm not 100% sure of that, though. i'll let you know what i find.