MFRC522-python copied to clipboard
MFRC522 random problem to start
Hello I have a problem with my MFRC522: When I make a reboot and start the file like this: "python" it always looks like this: Code: Select all
root@raspberrypi:~/MFRC522-python# python
Welcome to the MFRC522 data read example
Press Ctrl-C to stop.
Sometimes this works fine and I can read my NFC-cards. BUT sometimes it doesn't work and I have to abort and reopen the script, then it mostly works if not, I have to do a reboot.
How can this be?
Is there a log or something to see why it's not working?
I'm using the Raspberry 3b+ with the newest RASPBIAN STRETCH LITE.
I finally found the solution:
I bought a batch of "defect" MFRC522-Reader :x ...
So it was a hardware defect and not a software.