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scrollimator copied to clipboard

Power animations with scroll progress


Power animations with scroll progress.

This library is in beta so the api may change. Feedback is welcome.

Note: IE8 has not yet been tested

What does it do?

A Scrollimator instance provides callbacks to watch the position and scroll/traversal progress of child elements relative to the Scrollimator node. The progress values returned can be used to tween animations as the user scrolls.

A Simple Demo


  • No jQuery
  • Supports IE8+ (untested) and modern browsers
  • Unopinionated about application and DOM structure.
  • Supports vertical and horizontal scrolling
  • Works with window, overflowing elements, and custom scrollers (i.e. cubiq/iscroll).
  • Allows reconfiguring options on-the-fly
  • (Coming soon!) Fixed and percentage offsets for Scrollimator's active area

Watchable Properties

  • top | left | right | bottom
  • Element offsets relative to Scrollimator's top/left
  • topProgress | leftProgress | rightProgress | bottomProgress
  • Progress of edge relative to top/left of Scrollimator
  • verticalVisibleProgress | horizontalVisibleProgress
  • Progress from partially entered to fully exited.
  • verticalContainedProgress | horizontalContainedProgress
    • Progress from fully entered to partially exited.
      • [-Infinity, Infinity] if element is smaller than Scrollimator
      • -Infinity|1|Infinity if element is same size as Scrollimator.
      • NaN if element is larger than Scrollimator (cannot be contained)
  • verticalState | horizontalState
  • String representing state of element relative to Scrollimator
    • "ahead" - below/right of Scrollimator
    • "entering" - straddling bottom/right edge of Scrollimator
    • "contained" - smaller than Scrollimator and fully inside
    • "matching" - same size as Scrollimator and edges aligned
    • "spanning" - larger than Scrollimator and spanning it
    • "exiting" - straddling top/left edge of Scrollimator
    • "behind" - above/left of Scrollimator


Not yet available on npm. Coming soon!

Basic Usage


var Scrollimator = require("Scrollimator");

// see src/Scrollimator.js for all available options.
var options = {};

// with a node
var scrollimatorNode = document.getElementById("my-scrollimator-node");
var scrollimator = new Scrollimator(scrollimatorNode, options);

// with the window
var windowScrollimator = new Scrollimator(window, options);

Watching a single property:

// IMPORTANT: do not perform slow operations in these callbacks
// Specifically, it is best to perform DOM updates in 
// a requestAnimationFrame callback. See the examples directory for reference.
var callback = function(key, value) {
  console.log(this.getAttribute("id") + "has " + key + ":" + value);

// watch a Node
var someNode = document.getElementById("some-node");, "verticalState", callback);

// watch a NodeList
var allSections = document.getElementsByTagName("section");, "topProgress", callback);

Watching all properties:

var someNode = document.getElementById("some-node");, "all", function(changedProps, allProps){
  if(changedProps.hasOwnProperty("topProgress")) {
    console.log("topProgress is now " + changedProps.topProgress);
  if(changedProps.hasOwnProperty("leftProgress")) {
    console.log("bottomProgress is now " + changedProps.bottomProgress);


// Unwatch property on all nodes
// Unwatch property on a specific node
scrollimator.unwatch(someNode, "bar");
// Unwatch a callback on a specific property on a specific node
scrollimator.unwatch(someNode, "baz", someRegisteredCallback);
// Unwatch a callback on a specific node
scrollimator.unwatch(someNode, someRegisteredCallback);
// Unwatch all callbacks on a specific node
// Unwatch callback on all nodes

// Unwatch everything




// Return the scrollimator to a clean state (just like new).


// Be sure to call this when you are done
// it unregisters callbacks and clears references to dom nodes 

Keeping the Scrollimator updated

It is important that the Scrollimator's update function is called whenever the position or size of elements changes.

The Scrollimator will automatically call the bindUpdate and unbindUpdate adaptor functions specified in the options when it begins watching elements. By default, these adaptors bind update to the scroll event of the scrollimator element and the resize event of the window.

It is up to you, however, to ensure update is called when you add or remove elements from the document. You can do this by calling update manually, or by overriding the adaptors to bind update to custom events within your application.


var options = {
  // A throttled version of `update` is given to us as `callback`
  bindUpdate: function(el, callback) {
    // Assuming you've setup you application to fire these events on Backbone.
    Backbone.on("scroll", callback);
    Backbone.on("resize", callback);
    Backbone.on("DOMNodeInserted", callback);
    Backbone.on("DOMNodeRemoved", callback);
  unbindUpdate: function(el, callback) {"scroll", callback);"resize", callback);"DOMNodeInserted", callback);"DOMNodeRemoved", callback);

If you are using a custom scroller, like iScroll, you may want to override the adaptors to bind update to your scroller's scroll event.


var options = {
  bindUpdate: function(el, callback) {
    iScroll.on("scroll", callback);
    window.addEventListener("resize", callback); // note: not IE8 safe
  unbindUpdate: function(el, callback) {"scroll", callback);
    window.removeEventListener("resize", callback); // note: not IE8 safe

If you wish to control the binding manually, simply nullify the adaptors.


var options = {
  bindUpdate: null,
  unbindUpdate: null

Advanced Usage

This part of the api is likely to change in future releases

At present it is possible to add or modify the behavior of watchable keys by adding "strategies" to the Scrollimator. In this case, strategies are simply callbacks that are called on every update. They are stored in the targetUpdateStrategies and scrollimatorUpdateStrategies arrays in the options given to the constructor.

For instance, you can add a strategy to the end of the update process, like so:

var options = {};
// Copy the default array
options.targetUpdateStrategies = 

// Use a closure to encapsulate setup or persistent variables
var velocityStrategy = (function(){
  var lastTop;
  var lastLeft;
  var lastCalledMs;
  return function(el, props, parentProps) {
    var now = new Date().getTime();
    if(typeof lastCalledMs !== "undefined") {
      var deltaMs = nowMs - lastCalledMs;
      props.horizontalVelocity = - lastTop / deltaMs;
      props.verticalVelocity = props.left - lastLeft / deltaMs;
    } else {
      props.verticalVelocity = 0;
      props.horizontalVelocity = 0;
    lastTop =;
    lastLeft = props.left;
    lastCalledMs = nowMs;

// Push to end

var scrollimator = new Scrollimator(window, options);