AmA copied to clipboard
I know probably a stupid question… but do you share your dotfiles on GitHub? More importantly your Zsh (or bash) config files? I’m very curious to see your setup.
I don’t but I don’t have a lot of magic in there. Here’s my .zshrc
autoload -U colors && colors
export PS1="%F{086}%~%{$reset_color%} "
export EDITOR=code_wait
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=gafacadabaegedabagacad
alias ..='cd ..'
alias c='fork commit'
alias f='git fetch origin -pft'
alias teab='TEA_PANTRY_PATH=~/tea/pantry.core:~/tea/pantry.extra ~/tea/pantry.core/scripts/build.ts'
alias teat='TEA_PANTRY_PATH=~/tea/pantry.core:~/tea/pantry.extra ~/tea/pantry.core/scripts/test.ts'
p() {
if test "$1" = '-f'; then
git push origin HEAD --force-with-lease "$@"
git push origin HEAD "$@"
lsrpath() {
otool -l "$@" |
awk '
/^[^ ]/ {f = 0}
$2 == "LC_RPATH" && $1 == "cmd" {f = 1}
f && gsub(/^ *path | \(offset [0-9]+\)$/, "") == 2
add-zsh-hook -Uz chpwd(){ source <(tea -Eds) } #tea
alias teal="$HOME/.tea/ run \
--import-map=$HOME/tea/cli/import-map.json \
--unstable \
--allow-all \