Hi @margomw and @kgerickson -- Thanks for the *.tree and *.characteristics files. I did a cursory inspection and it appears that some nodes in the tree are not being compressed....
A spot check of the `d3dpcs_965516` shot shows that some signals have the `compress_on_put` attribute, but many signals do not (i.e., they are just flagged as `compressible`). The `timebases` might...
Hi @kgerickson and @margomw -- Did adding `compress_on_put` eliminate the problem with the huge datafiles? If so, let me know and I'll then close this issue.
Hi Martin, Thanks for the update. -Mark
Hi @margomw and @kgerickson, Thanks for the update. It is good news that the MDSplus datafiles are now comparable in size to the PTDATA files. I therefore intend to close...
As per previous post, closing this issue as resolved.
Hi @margomw and @kgerickson -- As per Martin's request, am reopening this issue.
Hi @margomw -- I just did a quick experiment using `mdstcl` to write a signal to a shot, and it did preserve the `compress_on_put` attribute. So, my initial conclusion is...
Hi @margomw -- I've just done a cursory spot check of the `d3dpcs_965534` tree. And noticed the following. - Signals that do not contain data, such as `IPA1ECOIL` and `IPA1LI`...