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A basic example of using a custom view controller with PopupDialog

Popup Dialog City Picker Example

This is a basic example of using a custom view controller with Popup Dialog. This view controller is created programatically, so there is no xib involved. It contains a custom title label and a table view controller, used as a city picker.

How to

Just clone this repo and have a look at the classes, I have commented the steps needed to create the city picker. Find below the code to create the dialog, it can be found in ViewController.swift.

// Create our custom view controller programatically
let vc = PopupTableViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)

// Create the PopupDialog with a completion handler,
// called whenever the dialog is dismissed
let popup = PopupDialog(viewController: vc, gestureDismissal: false) {
    guard let city = vc.selectedCity else { return }
    print("User selected city: \(city)")

// Create a cancel button for the dialog,
// including a button action
let cancel = DefaultButton(title: "Cancel") {
    print("User did not select a city")

// Add the cancel button we just created to the dialog

// Moreover, we set a list of cities on our custom view controller
vc.cities = ["Munich", "Budapest", "Krakow", "Rome", "Paris", "Nice", "Madrid", "New York", "Moscow", "Peking", "Tokyo"]

// We also pass a reference to our PopupDialog to our custom view controller
// This way, we can dismiss and manipulate it from there
vc.popup = popup

// Last but not least: present the PopupDialog
present(popup, animated: true, completion: nil)


Martin Wildfeuer, [email protected] You might also want to follow me on Twitter, @theMWFire


PopupDialogTableView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.