Marcel Weisgut
Marcel Weisgut
> I need to have another look at it, but I think Ubuntu 22.04 does not solve the issue with compact_vector as GCC 9 still uses an older libstd. Just...
> When running cmake, the following errors are occur: > > ``` > -- Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_SAFETY_ATTRIBUTES > -- Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_SAFETY_ATTRIBUTES > -- Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_SAFETY_ATTRIBUTES -- failed to...
Does anyone already know an automatic static analysis tool/method that can detect function definitions in header files? I currently try to find these header locations using the regular expression shown...
Any news on that? In our research databases [Hyrise](, we also use the `zero_allocator`, which is not available in the latest oneTBB version.
In our case, we use a `tbb::concurrent_vector`. This vector is accessed by multiple threads. The objects `T` that the shared pointers of the vector are pointing to have to be...
I had the same issue. Not only `GarbageNode` but also `GC_NODE_COUNT_THREADHOLD` and `gc_id` led to the same errors (`... is a private member of 'wangziqi2013::bwtree::BwTreeBase`). A possible quick-and-dirty fix (`git...
Different thoughts on our lock discussion: 1. having something similar to `SegmentIterable` for indexes might capsulate the locking logic, but we only need such functionality for the lookups, not for...
As mentioned during the last Hyrise weekly, we want to implement a non-templated `PartialHashIndex`. `*_cbegin`, `*_cend`, `_range_equals`, and `_range_not_equals` (subsequently referred to as `iterator functions`) return iterators or iterator pairs....
Please add more documentation. The FlatMapIterator's header file might be a candidate for more detailed documentation.
To the best of my knowledge, all recent feedback has been addressed now. We mainly improved the iterator architecture (using the pImpl idiom) and added more documentation. Waiting of a...