Ming Wang
Ming Wang
Should note what the inputs are for advanced univariate statistics, add a new section here: https://ccms-ucsd.github.io/GNPSDocumentation/featurebasedmolecularnetworking/#advanced-extras
Say that we can handle maybe 5K samples in GNPS, but more than that at once, we should do it collaboratively.
Add documentation for the data conversion 1. How to do it for people with folder based vendor files 2. Screenshots Add documentation for quick dataset creation 1. How to do...
This should include additions for choosing new styles: https://ccms-ucsd.github.io/GNPSDocumentation/cytoscape/#cytoscape-36-analysis-quick
Sometimes we have same precursor m/z and very similar MS/MS not ending up in the same cluster, even with high EPS values. One example here: [Falcon Clustering](https://proteomics2.ucsd.edu/ProteoSAFe/status.jsp?task=48f893dc8a4147e59798910e6c866ce2) [Networking](https://proteomics2.ucsd.edu/ProteoSAFe/result.jsp?view=network_displayer&componentindex=73&task=5fae3956b11346e4b120352b735d54b3#%7B%7D) We can...
There could be a command line option to set the max GPU memory allocation. By default tensorflow pre-allocates 100% of the GPU memory. If its not needed, then enabling the...
Will include 3: 1. Rhapsody for CPU 2. Rhapsody for GPU 3. Rhapsody in Qiime2
We can determine how well dynamic exclusion settings are set for an instrument if we can measure where an MS2 spectrum is acquired relative to the apex of the feature...