alexandria-book-collection-manager copied to clipboard
Picture of book without ISBN disappears after restart
When I add a book with a picture and without ISBN field filled, the book with its picture appears in the book list of my_library_1 after clicking on ADD button. If I restart the software, book still appears but without the picture. But the picture file is still in the ~/.alexandria/my_library_1/.
This bug is annoying. My Alexandria version is 0.7.1
Note : there are also pictures of book I deleted from my_library_1 (moved to my_library_2) in the folder. There is also a lot of .cover.orig picture files. I think they appear when I change the picture of a book. There should be a way to clean up all these unneeded files.
Thanks for your help
String.hash result isn't the same across run, so cover cannot be retrieved from book.ident
Maybe using Digest::MD5 here?
Thanks, @g-maxime for figuring this out!