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[Feature request] Code badge search
Hi, I just recently realized the usefulness of the green code badges (how dumb am I !!). Is it possible to have 'badge search' feature in Aedict? I mean I imagine it as I go to its search feature, select an available code badge, then list all words that is in that group. For example I'd select Honorific, then words categorized into honorific language will be listed.
The problem I see here would be if the list is too long, and it would take time or too much memory usage on the device. And to that, would adding pagination settings (such as 'number of words per page', etc etc) in this search be a solution to it?
I think this would be another advantage of Aedict as it already has the code badges feature which I don't think is in other Japanese study/dictionary apps. Hope that this feature will someday be in Aedict. Thank you!
Aedict version: 3.41
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Hi, thanks for the bug report! It is exactly as you say: the list would be too long. I do not think it is practical to list e.g. all honorific words without limiting the search further, since such search will produce 3000 words, always in the same order. While this may be useful for export to CSV, it is not much useful for typical Aedict use.
The pagination should not be necessary since the scrolling view should lazy-load the pages as you scroll.
Currently in the main Aedict search screen, you can only filter words for e.g. Verbs, Nouns or Adjectives. I can add similar filter functionality for most common badges - what do you think?
I see. If it is not possible, I think your suggestion is OK as a workaround. Thanks!
Since the complete list of badges is quite long, we should probably only allow a reasonable subset of those badges (or a badge groups) to appear in the filter UI. Here's a complete list of badges, could you please pick ones which are most useful for you, or which you would benefit from having in the filter?
MA("MA","martial arts term", "Martial Arts"),
X("X", "rude or X-rated term (not displayed in educational software)", "Rude/XXX"),
abbr("abbr", "abbreviation", "Abbr"),
adji("adj-i", "adjective (keiyoushi)", "Adjective"),
adjna("adj-na", "adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)", "Adj-na"),
adjno("adj-no", "nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'", "Adj-no"),
adjpn("adj-pn", "pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi)", "Rentaishi"),
adjt("adj-t", "`taru' adjective", "Taru Adj"),
adjf("adj-f", "noun or verb acting prenominally", "Prenominal"),
adj("adj", "former adjective classification (being removed)", "Adjective"),
adv("adv", "adverb (fukushi)", "Adverb"),
advto("adv-to", "adverb taking the `to' particle", "Adverb+to"),
arch("arch", "archaism", "Archaic"),
ateji("ateji", "ateji (phonetic) reading", "Ateji"),
aux("aux", "auxiliary", "Auxiliary"),
auxv("aux-v", "auxiliary verb", "Auxiliary Verb"),
auxadj("aux-adj", "auxiliary adjective", "Auxiliary Adj"),
buddh("Buddh", "Buddhist term", "Buddhist"),
chem("chem", "chemistry term", "Chemistry"),
chn("chn", "children's language", "Children Term"),
col("col", "colloquialism", "Colloquialism"),
comp("comp", "computer terminology", "Computer"),
conj("conj", "conjunction", "Conjunction"),
ctr("ctr", "counter", "Counter"),
derog("derog", "derogatory", "Derogatory"),
eK("eK", "exclusively kanji", "Kanji Only"),
ek("ek", "exclusively kana", "Kana Only"),
exp("exp", "expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)", "Expressions"),
fam("fam", "familiar language", "Familiar"),
fem("fem", "female term or language", "Female"),
food("food", "food term", "Food"),
geom("geom", "geometry term", "Geometry"),
gikun("gikun", "gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading)", "Gikun/Jukujikun"),
hon("hon", "honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language", "Honorific"),
hum("hum", "humble (kenjougo) language", "Humble"),
iK("iK", "word containing irregular kanji usage", "Unusual"), // tu bolo Unusual Kanji Usage, ale je to uvedene pri kanji, takze to je jasne ;)
id("id","idiomatic expression", "Idiomatic"),
ik("ik", "word containing irregular kana usage", "Unusual Kana"),
INT("int", "interjection (kandoushi)", "Interjection"),
io("io", "irregular okurigana usage", "Irregular Okurigana"),
iv("iv", "irregular verb", "Irregular"),
ling("ling", "linguistics terminology", "Linguistic"),
msl("m-sl", "manga slang", "Manga Slang"),
male("male", "male term or language", "Male Term"),
malesl("male-sl", "male slang", "Male Slang"),
math("math", "mathematics", "Math"),
mil("mil", "military", "Military"),
n("n", "noun (common) (futsuumeishi)", "Noun"),
nadv("n-adv", "adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi)", "Adverbial"),
nsuf("n-suf", "noun, used as a suffix", "Noun, suffix"),
npref("n-pref", "noun, used as a prefix", "Noun, prefix"),
nt("n-t", "noun (temporal) (jisoumeishi)", "Noun"),
num("num", "numeric", "Numeric"),
oK("oK", "word containing out-dated kanji", "Outdated Kanji"),
obs("obs", "obsolete term", "Obsolete"),
obsc("obsc", "obscure term", "Obscure"),
ok("ok", "out-dated or obsolete kana usage", "Obsolete"),
oik("oik", "old or irregular kana form", true, true, "Old/Irregular"),
onmim("on-mim", "onomatopoeic or mimetic word", "Onomatopoia"),
pn("pn", "pronoun", "Pronoun"),
poet("poet", "poetical term", "Poetical"),
pol("pol", "polite (teineigo) language", "Polite"),
pref("pref", "prefix", "Prefix"),
proverb("proverb", "proverb", "Proverb"),
prt("prt", "particle", "Particle"),
physics("physics", "physics terminology", "Physics"),
rare("rare", "rare", "Rare"),
sens("sens", "sensitive", "Sensitive"),
sl("sl", "slang", "Slang"),
suf("suf", "suffix", "Suffix"),
uK("uK", "word usually written using kanji alone", "Kanji-only"),
uk("uk", "word usually written using kana alone", "Kana-only"),
v1("v1", "Ichidan verb", "Ichidan verb"),
v2as("v2a-s", "Nidan verb with 'u' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -u"),
v4h("v4h", "Yodan verb with `hu/fu' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -hu/-fu"),
v4r("v4r", "Yodan verb with `ru' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -ru"),
v5("v5", "Godan verb (not completely classified)", "Godan Verb"),
v5aru("v5aru", "Godan verb - -aru special class", "Godan -aru"),
v5b("v5b", "Godan verb with `bu' ending", "Godan -bu"),
v5g("v5g", "Godan verb with `gu' ending", "Godan -gu"),
v5k("v5k", "Godan verb with `ku' ending", "Godan -ku"),
v5ks("v5k-s", "Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class", "Godan iku/yuku"),
v5m("v5m", "Godan verb with `mu' ending", "Godan -mu"),
v5n("v5n", "Godan verb with `nu' ending", "Godan -nu"),
v5r("v5r", "Godan verb with `ru' ending", "Godan -ru"),
v5ri("v5r-i", "Godan verb with `ru' ending (irregular verb)", "Godan -ru irregular"),
v5s("v5s", "Godan verb with `su' ending", "Godan -su"),
v5t("v5t", "Godan verb with `tsu' ending", "Godan -tsu"),
v5u("v5u", "Godan verb with `u' ending", "Godan -u"),
v5us("v5u-s", "Godan verb with `u' ending (special class)", "Godan -u special"),
v5uru("v5uru", "Godan verb - Uru old class verb (old form of Eru)", "Godan uru"),
v5z("v5z", "Godan verb with `zu' ending", "Godan -zu"),
vz("vz", "Ichidan verb - zuru verb (alternative form of -jiru verbs)", "Ichidan zuru"),
vi("vi", "intransitive verb", "Intransitive"),
vk("vk", "Kuru verb - special class", "Kuru"),
vn("vn", "irregular nu verb", "-nu Verb"),
vr("vr", "irregular ru verb, plain form ends with -ri", "-ru Verb"),
vs("vs", "noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru", "Noun -suru"),
vsc("vs-c", "su verb - precursor to the modern suru", "Verb su"),
vss("vs-s", "suru verb - special class", "Suru"),
vsi("vs-i", "suru verb - irregular", "Suru irreg."),
kyb("kyb", "Kyoto-ben", "Kyoto-ben"),
osb("osb", "Osaka-ben", "Osaka-ben"),
ksb("ksb", "Kansai-ben", "Kansai-ben"),
ktb("ktb", "Kantou-ben", "Kantou-ben"),
tsb("tsb", "Tosa-ben", "Tosa-ben"),
thb("thb", "Touhoku-ben", "Touhoku-ben"),
tsug("tsug", "Tsugaru-ben", "Tsugaru-ben"),
kyu("kyu", "Kyuushuu-ben", "Kyuushuu-ben"),
rkb("rkb", "Ryuukyuu-ben", "Ryuukyuu-ben"),
nab("nab", "Nagano-ben", "Nagano-ben"),
vt("vt", "transitive verb", "Transitive"),
vulg("vulg", "vulgar expression or word", "Vulgar"),
adjKari("adj-kari", "`kari' adjective (archaic)", "kari Adj"),
adjku("adj-ku", "`ku' adjective (archaic)", "ku Adj"),
adjshiku("adj-shiku", "`shiku' adjective (archaic)", "shiku Adj"),
adjnari("adjnari", "archaic/formal form of na-adjective", "Adj -na archaic"),
npr("n-pr", "proper noun", "Proper Noun"),
vunspec("v-unspec", "verb unspecified", "Verb"),
v4k("v4k", "Yodan verb with `ku' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -ku"),
v4g("v4g", "Yodan verb with `gu' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -gu"),
v4s("v4s", "Yodan verb with `su' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -su"),
v4t("v4t", "Yodan verb with `tsu' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -tsu"),
v4n("v4n", "Yodan verb with `nu' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -nu"),
v4b("v4b", "Yodan verb with `bu' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -bu"),
v4m("v4m", "Yodan verb with `mu' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -mu"),
v2kk("v2k-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `ku' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -ku"),
v2gk("v2g-k","Nidan verb (upper class) with `gu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -gu"),
v2tk("v2t-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `tsu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -tsu"),
v2dk("v2d-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `dzu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -dzu"),
v2hk("v2h-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `hu/fu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -hu/-fu"),
v2bk("v2b-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `bu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -bu"),
v2mk("v2m-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `mu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -mu"),
v2yk("v2y-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `yu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -yu"),
v2rk("v2r-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `ru' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -ru"),
v2ks("v2k-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `ku' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -ku"),
v2gs("v2g-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `gu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -gu"),
v2ss("v2s-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `su' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -su"),
v2zs("v2z-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `zu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -zu"),
v2ts("v2t-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `tsu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -tsu"),
v2ds("v2d-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `dzu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -dzu"),
v2ns("v2n-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `nu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -nu"),
v2hs("v2h-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `hu/fu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -hu/-fu"),
v2bs("v2b-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `bu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -bu"),
v2ms("v2m-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `mu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -mu"),
v2ys("v2y-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `yu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -yu"),
v2rs("v2r-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `ru' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -ru"),
v2ws("v2w-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `u' ending and `we' conjugation (archaic)", "Nidan -u/we"),
archit("archit", "architecture term", "Architecture"),
anat("anat", "anatomical term", "Anatomical"),
astron("astron", "astronomy, etc. term", "Astronomy"),
baseb("baseb", "baseball term", "Baseball"),
biol("biol", "biology term", "Biology"),
bot("bot", "botany term", "Botany"),
bus("bus", "business term", "Business"),
econ("econ", "economics term", "Economics"),
engr("engr", "engineering term", "Engineering"),
finc("finc", "finance term", "Finance"),
geol("geol", "geology, etc. term", "Geology"),
law("law", "law, etc. term", "Law"),
med("med", "medicine, etc. term", "Medicine"),
music("music", "music term", "Music"),
Shinto("Shinto", "Shinto term", "Shinto"),
sports("sports", "sports term", "Sports"),
sumo("sumo", "sumo term", "Sumo"),
zool("zool", "zoology term", "Zoology"),
joc("joc", "jocular, humorous term", "Humor"),
surname("surname", "family or surname", false, true, "Surname"),
place("place", "place name", false, true, "Place name"),
unclass("unclass", "unclassified name", false, true, null),
company("company", "company name", false, true, "Company Name"),
product("product", "product name", false, true, "Product Name"),
masc("masc", "male given name or forename", false, true, "Male Given Name"),
fem2("fem", "female given name or forename", false, true, "Female Given Name"),
person("person", "full name of a particular person", false, true, "Full Name"),
given("given", "given name or forename, gender not specified", false, true, "Given Name"),
station("station", "railway station", false, true, "Railway Station"),
organization("organization", "organization name", false, true, "Organization Name"),
unc("unc", "unclassified", "Unclassified"),
work("work", "work of art, literature, music, etc. name", false, true, "Art"),
v1s("v1-s", "Ichidan verb - kureru special class", "Ichidan kureru"),
copda("cop-da", "copula", "Copula"),
adjix("adj-ix", "adjective (keiyoushi) - yoi/ii class", "Yoi/ii Adj"),
yoji("yoji", "yojijukugo", "Yojijukugo");
These are the ones I've picked which I think is necessary for studying (parts of grammar, speech, etc - I skipped technical terms here):
adji("adj-i", "adjective (keiyoushi)", "Adjective"),
adjna("adj-na", "adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)", "Adj-na"),
adjno("adj-no", "nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'", "Adj-no"),
adjpn("adj-pn", "pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi)", "Rentaishi"),
adjt("adj-t", "`taru' adjective", "Taru Adj"),
adjf("adj-f", "noun or verb acting prenominally", "Prenominal"),
adj("adj", "former adjective classification (being removed)", "Adjective"),
adv("adv", "adverb (fukushi)", "Adverb"),
advto("adv-to", "adverb taking the `to' particle", "Adverb+to"),
arch("arch", "archaism", "Archaic"),
ateji("ateji", "ateji (phonetic) reading", "Ateji"),
aux("aux", "auxiliary", "Auxiliary"),
auxv("aux-v", "auxiliary verb", "Auxiliary Verb"),
auxadj("aux-adj", "auxiliary adjective", "Auxiliary Adj"),
col("col", "colloquialism", "Colloquialism"),
conj("conj", "conjunction", "Conjunction"),
ctr("ctr", "counter", "Counter"),
derog("derog", "derogatory", "Derogatory"),
eK("eK", "exclusively kanji", "Kanji Only"),
ek("ek", "exclusively kana", "Kana Only"),
exp("exp", "expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)", "Expressions"),
fam("fam", "familiar language", "Familiar"),
fem("fem", "female term or language", "Female"),
gikun("gikun", "gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading)", "Gikun/Jukujikun"),
hon("hon", "honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language", "Honorific"),
hum("hum", "humble (kenjougo) language", "Humble"),
iK("iK", "word containing irregular kanji usage", "Unusual"), // tu bolo Unusual Kanji Usage, ale je to uvedene pri kanji, takze to je jasne ;)
id("id","idiomatic expression", "Idiomatic"),
ik("ik", "word containing irregular kana usage", "Unusual Kana"),
INT("int", "interjection (kandoushi)", "Interjection"),
io("io", "irregular okurigana usage", "Irregular Okurigana"),
iv("iv", "irregular verb", "Irregular"),
male("male", "male term or language", "Male Term"),
malesl("male-sl", "male slang", "Male Slang"),
n("n", "noun (common) (futsuumeishi)", "Noun"),
nadv("n-adv", "adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi)", "Adverbial"),
nsuf("n-suf", "noun, used as a suffix", "Noun, suffix"),
npref("n-pref", "noun, used as a prefix", "Noun, prefix"),
nt("n-t", "noun (temporal) (jisoumeishi)", "Noun"),
num("num", "numeric", "Numeric"),
pn("pn", "pronoun", "Pronoun"),
pol("pol", "polite (teineigo) language", "Polite"),
pref("pref", "prefix", "Prefix"),
proverb("proverb", "proverb", "Proverb"),
prt("prt", "particle", "Particle"),
rare("rare", "rare", "Rare"),
sens("sens", "sensitive", "Sensitive"),
sl("sl", "slang", "Slang"),
suf("suf", "suffix", "Suffix"),
uK("uK", "word usually written using kanji alone", "Kanji-only"),
uk("uk", "word usually written using kana alone", "Kana-only"),
v1("v1", "Ichidan verb", "Ichidan verb"),
v2as("v2a-s", "Nidan verb with 'u' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -u"),
v4h("v4h", "Yodan verb with `hu/fu' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -hu/-fu"),
v4r("v4r", "Yodan verb with `ru' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -ru"),
v5("v5", "Godan verb (not completely classified)", "Godan Verb"),
v5aru("v5aru", "Godan verb - -aru special class", "Godan -aru"),
v5b("v5b", "Godan verb with `bu' ending", "Godan -bu"),
v5g("v5g", "Godan verb with `gu' ending", "Godan -gu"),
v5k("v5k", "Godan verb with `ku' ending", "Godan -ku"),
v5ks("v5k-s", "Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class", "Godan iku/yuku"),
v5m("v5m", "Godan verb with `mu' ending", "Godan -mu"),
v5n("v5n", "Godan verb with `nu' ending", "Godan -nu"),
v5r("v5r", "Godan verb with `ru' ending", "Godan -ru"),
v5ri("v5r-i", "Godan verb with `ru' ending (irregular verb)", "Godan -ru irregular"),
v5s("v5s", "Godan verb with `su' ending", "Godan -su"),
v5t("v5t", "Godan verb with `tsu' ending", "Godan -tsu"),
v5u("v5u", "Godan verb with `u' ending", "Godan -u"),
v5us("v5u-s", "Godan verb with `u' ending (special class)", "Godan -u special"),
v5uru("v5uru", "Godan verb - Uru old class verb (old form of Eru)", "Godan uru"),
v5z("v5z", "Godan verb with `zu' ending", "Godan -zu"),
vz("vz", "Ichidan verb - zuru verb (alternative form of -jiru verbs)", "Ichidan zuru"),
vi("vi", "intransitive verb", "Intransitive"),
vk("vk", "Kuru verb - special class", "Kuru"),
vn("vn", "irregular nu verb", "-nu Verb"),
vr("vr", "irregular ru verb, plain form ends with -ri", "-ru Verb"),
vs("vs", "noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru", "Noun -suru"),
vsc("vs-c", "su verb - precursor to the modern suru", "Verb su"),
vss("vs-s", "suru verb - special class", "Suru"),
vsi("vs-i", "suru verb - irregular", "Suru irreg."),
vt("vt", "transitive verb", "Transitive"),
vulg("vulg", "vulgar expression or word", "Vulgar"),
adjKari("adj-kari", "`kari' adjective (archaic)", "kari Adj"),
adjku("adj-ku", "`ku' adjective (archaic)", "ku Adj"),
adjshiku("adj-shiku", "`shiku' adjective (archaic)", "shiku Adj"),
adjnari("adjnari", "archaic/formal form of na-adjective", "Adj -na archaic"),
npr("n-pr", "proper noun", "Proper Noun"),
vunspec("v-unspec", "verb unspecified", "Verb"),
v4k("v4k", "Yodan verb with `ku' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -ku"),
v4g("v4g", "Yodan verb with `gu' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -gu"),
v4s("v4s", "Yodan verb with `su' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -su"),
v4t("v4t", "Yodan verb with `tsu' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -tsu"),
v4n("v4n", "Yodan verb with `nu' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -nu"),
v4b("v4b", "Yodan verb with `bu' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -bu"),
v4m("v4m", "Yodan verb with `mu' ending (archaic)", "Yodan -mu"),
v2kk("v2k-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `ku' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -ku"),
v2gk("v2g-k","Nidan verb (upper class) with `gu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -gu"),
v2tk("v2t-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `tsu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -tsu"),
v2dk("v2d-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `dzu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -dzu"),
v2hk("v2h-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `hu/fu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -hu/-fu"),
v2bk("v2b-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `bu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -bu"),
v2mk("v2m-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `mu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -mu"),
v2yk("v2y-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `yu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -yu"),
v2rk("v2r-k", "Nidan verb (upper class) with `ru' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -ru"),
v2ks("v2k-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `ku' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -ku"),
v2gs("v2g-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `gu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -gu"),
v2ss("v2s-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `su' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -su"),
v2zs("v2z-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `zu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -zu"),
v2ts("v2t-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `tsu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -tsu"),
v2ds("v2d-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `dzu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -dzu"),
v2ns("v2n-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `nu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -nu"),
v2hs("v2h-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `hu/fu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -hu/-fu"),
v2bs("v2b-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `bu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -bu"),
v2ms("v2m-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `mu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -mu"),
v2ys("v2y-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `yu' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -yu"),
v2rs("v2r-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `ru' ending (archaic)", "Nidan -ru"),
v2ws("v2w-s", "Nidan verb (lower class) with `u' ending and `we' conjugation (archaic)", "Nidan -u/we"),
I'm sorry if it's still a long list (about 63% of what you posted) 😅
No worries - we can remove unused things afterwards :)