The easiest solution is to get everything running locally, since this is a server error. Most servers don't have R png support for graphics rendering (the X11 servers are really...
Were you running it on Linux/MacOS or Windows? If I had the same problem I would put ``` saveRDS(aligments, file = "alignments.rds") ``` in the source code for dot plot...
This is the output, the html widget requires PANDOC which is a package meant for writing all types of documents, but you are most probably interested only in the .png/.svg...
The output should always be overwritten, I myself have lost couple of long drawing graphs in such manner, because of recklessness... Are you running the graphing plot within R/Rstudio?
Since it writes the outputfile_name from the output file name ``` 73 opt$output_filename = unlist(strsplit(opt$output_filename, "/"))[length(unlist(strsplit(opt$output_filename, "/")))] ``` it should always respond to changes, have you tried different input/output filenames?
Then the error has to be in the .paf files you created using minimap2, since each time you run the script it reads the dana in the .paf files and...
> You received this error ( AttributeError: 'TrelloApp' object has no attribute '_build_add_commands'), cause the TrelloApp class is missing UserControl class. first import UserControl change this (class TrelloApp:) to (...
To hijack the thread, how do those numbers(scores) compare to the numbers obtained by ViennaRNA MFE calculations, in which more negative numbers mean a more stable structure? Is there any...