Movie_Data_Capture copied to clipboard
Describe the bug 错误描述 Describe clearly and concisely what the error is 清晰简洁地描述错误是什么
To Reproduce 如何重现BUG Steps to reproduce the behavior: 重现行为的步骤:
- Go to '...'
- Click on '....'
- Scroll down to '....'
- See error
**Expected behavior 预期结果 ** A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. 对您期望发生的事情进行清晰简洁的描述
Screenshots BUG发生截图
Logs 日志 Copy all or key content of the file to this 复制文件的全部或关键内容到此 Logs location: Windows : C:/Users/username/.mlogs/ Linux/MacOS/BSD: /home/username/.mlogs/
Running Env 运行环境
- OS :
- Python Version : 3.x