Marcos Silva
Marcos Silva
It would be nice to have a search, to use name anchors, sorting, prioritizing, etc.
Allow injecting its own pug, CSS and/or js
A hubi context means that [tokens]( and [attributes]( may yield different generated source files. There are 4 kinds of contextual changes I can think of: add, delete, change and referential....
Allow a file where users may tweak how hubi behaves in order to attend their needs.
Preferentially something users can interact with
Include generated translations on their files, instead of creating a file apart.
[Some](17) [Translators]( allow to have multiple [attribute]( types together and do something about it, for instance, having a field marked as required when another one field is provided.
Mark a [token]( as extending another, so users don't have to repeat themselves. This differs from [Inhiritance](43) because this one may allow a [translator]( to "only" copy-and-past [attributes]( around while...
Mark a [token]( as inheriting from another, so users don't have to repeat themselves. This differs from [Interface || Extension](43) because [some](28) [translators]( may benefit from having it explicitly.
In order to speed things up, implement a mechanism to cache [domain files](