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The Neatness (js13kGames 2022)
The Neatness
The author of this work does not condone the repackaging of "The Neatness" as any kind of NFT or blockchain-related technology. The use of this work for such purposes is not supported by the author and may result in unintended consequences, including hospitalization, disability or permanent damage. Consider yourself disclaimed.
A walk through life, however thorough,
Ends on a hill a bit too steep.
Bear witness, not to strife and sorrow, –
Bare neatness of eternal sleep.
Written by Mark Vasilkov for js13kGames in 2022.
If you feel it's too easy, try the Coil levels from the
level select screen. They are cursedly hard.
(If you don't have Coil, append #coil
to the URL.)
For best experience on Android, use the 'Add to Home screen' feature. Seriously, it's amazing how much better the game runs if started from that shortcut.
Thank you for playing!
Released under the GNU General Public License version 3
The Neatness is inspired by
- The Looker by Bradley Lovell
- The Witness by Jonathan Blow
The following data structures and algorithms were harmed in the making of this game:
- Digital differential analyzer (DDA) based on
Raycasting tutorial by Lode Vandevenne
- Explained beautifully by OneLoneCoder in his video Super Fast Ray Casting in Tiled Worlds using DDA
- Scanline flood fill inspired by Pavel Kukov's q-floodfill
- Which in turn cites QuickFill: An Efficient Flood Fill Algorithm by John R. Shaw
- Priority queue by Francis Stokes aka LowLevelJavaScript, see Implementing A Generic Priority Queue
based on the excellent Introduction to theA*
Algorithm by Amit Patel
Updated implementations of all of these are available in natlib.