python-zeep copied to clipboard
Zeep returned empty array
I used zeep for send request to onvif-cameras by onvif specification.
I send request GetCapabilities and i got response like xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:c14n="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:saml1="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion" xmlns:saml2="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" xmlns:wsu="" xmlns:xenc="" xmlns:wsc="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:ter="" xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:o2kvmd="" xmlns:chan="" xmlns:wsa5="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:wsrfbf="" xmlns:xmime="" xmlns:xop="" xmlns:tt="" xmlns:wstop="" xmlns:wsrfr="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns10="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns7="" xmlns:ns8="" xmlns:ns9="" xmlns:tan="" xmlns:tds="" xmlns:tev="" xmlns:wsnt="" xmlns:timg="" xmlns:tmd="" xmlns:tptz="" xmlns:trc="" xmlns:trp="" xmlns:trt="" xmlns:trv="" xmlns:tse="">
but when this message parse - i got json like:
'Analytics': None,
'Device': {
'XAddr': '',
'Network': {
'IPFilter': False,
'ZeroConfiguration': False,
'IPVersion6': False,
'DynDNS': False,
'Extension': None,
'_attr_1': None
'System': {
'DiscoveryResolve': False,
'DiscoveryBye': True,
'RemoteDiscovery': False,
'SystemBackup': False,
'SystemLogging': False,
'FirmwareUpgrade': False,
'SupportedVersions': [
'Major': 2,
'Minor': 60
'Extension': {
'_value_1': [
<Element {}HttpFirmwareUpgrade at 0x5536760>,
<Element {}HttpSystemBackup at 0x5536788>,
<Element {}HttpSystemLogging at 0x55367b0>
'HttpFirmwareUpgrade': None,
'HttpSystemBackup': None,
'HttpSystemLogging': None,
'HttpSupportInformation': None,
'Extension': None
'_attr_1': None
'IO': {
'InputConnectors': 0,
'RelayOutputs': 0,
'Extension': None,
'_attr_1': None
'Security': {
'TLS1.1': False,
'TLS1.2': False,
'OnboardKeyGeneration': False,
'AccessPolicyConfig': False,
'X.509Token': False,
'SAMLToken': False,
'KerberosToken': False,
'RELToken': False,
'_value_1': [
<Element {}Extension at 0x553a418>
'Extension': None,
'_attr_1': None
'Extension': None,
'_attr_1': None
'Events': {
'XAddr': '',
'WSSubscriptionPolicySupport': False,
'WSPullPointSupport': False,
'WSPausableSubscriptionManagerInterfaceSupport': False,
'_value_1': None,
'_attr_1': None
'Imaging': None,
'Media': {
'XAddr': '',
'StreamingCapabilities': {
'RTPMulticast': False,
'RTP_TCP': False,
'Extension': None,
'_attr_1': None
'_value_1': None,
'Extension': None,
'_attr_1': None
'PTZ': {
'XAddr': '',
'_value_1': None,
'_attr_1': None
'Extension': {
'_value_1': [
<Element {}DeviceIO at 0x5543080>,
<Element {}Recording at 0x55433c8>,
<Element {}Search at 0x55433f0>,
<Element {}Replay at 0x5543418>
'DeviceIO': None,
'Display': None,
'Recording': None,
'Search': None,
'Replay': None,
'Receiver': None,
'AnalyticsDevice': None,
'Extensions': None
'_attr_1': None
i.e. in last element "Extension" in Json foramt all elements (like Search, Display and etc.) not have elements.
Please, help me solved this problem!)
I had a similar error, and solved it by only using the objects defined by the WSDL instead of using dicts.
I have the same issues ...
I do not understand why this library struggles with much of the WSDL ONVIF spec ???