psycopg2-ctypes copied to clipboard
ctypes port of psycopg2 (see
Attempting to move a CSV with cyrillic (cp1251-encoded) text with odo.odo results in (psycopg2.DataError) argument to option "encoding" must be a valid encoding name when specifying the encoding as either...
Here's how I called a query: ``` python cursor = connection.cursor() sql = """ SELECT "wikispy_edit"."id", "wikispy_edit"."wikipedia_edit_id", "wikispy_edit"."title", "wikispy_edit"."ip", "wikispy_edit"."wiki_id", "wikispy_rdns"."rdns", "wikispy_wiki"."language", "wikispy_wiki"."domain" FROM "wikispy_edit" INNER JOIN "wikispy_rdns" ON (...
To be perfectly honest, I'm not exactly sure what the purpose of this change is; it's one commit written by a predecessor who's no longer at our organization. Apparently, though,...
Consider the following: ``` import psycopg2ct as psycopg2 from psycopg2ct import compat compat.register() from psycopg2.extras import RealDictCursor conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=haizaar user=haizaar password=password host=localhost port=5432", cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT 1...
`psycopg2.psycopg1` is a straightforward Python file which imports psycopg2 and reimplement psycopg1-compatible cursors (API-wise e.g. `dictfetchall`) on top of psycopg2. There's an import of _psycopg but it's not used and...
If the number of results the query returns is greater than Cursor.itersize (currently 2000), the call to cursor.**iter** never returns. If I make it large, say 100000, the call finishes...
Fixed in which should be merged in.
Since compat only registers psycopg2 to sys.modules, importing submodules with full dotted path does not work. The approach of registering all psycopg2ct submodules in sys.modules as psycopg2 submodules is kinda...
Using psycopg2-ctypes and pypy I see: `Exception RuntimeError: RuntimeError('maximum recursion depth exceeded',) in method __del__ of ignored` printed by the django development server. It only happens sometimes, and when it...
I'm playing around with a django/pypy/postgres stack and using this for postgres support. I'm not sure if my db is misconfigured or if this is just not "speedy" yet. Can...