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about the pixelW and slicsS
Hi mvallieres! I have to process some fundus images and i don't know the number of pixelW and sliceS..... So how to solve this problem?? Thanks!
Thanks for your interest in my code.
Given the level of details you are providing here in your question, my response can only be: please provide to the code pixelW and sliceS values that makes sense with the images that you have.
Hi, and thank you so much for your toolbox. I have been able to extract features from 3D DICOM images but now I want to try running this on .SVS (APERIO tissue slide scan) data. All the parameters and inputs are clear except for the sliceS and pixelW inputs. For non-DICOM files where we cannot run your readDICOM functions, do you have any suggestions? Thanks!
For reference, I see that you have this code:
try sData{2}.scan.pixelW = dicomHeaders(1).PixelSpacing(1); catch, sData{2}.scan.pixelW = []; end % Pixel Width try sData{2}.scan.sliceT = dicomHeaders(1).SliceThickness; catch, sData{2}.scan.sliceT = []; end % Slice Thickness
for calculating these two values from DICOM scans, is there any known way to perform this on .jpg/.svs/or other 2D images?