
Results 104 comments of muvaffak

@shibumi I'm not sure. Here is my `values.yaml` for ingress-nginx helm installation if that helps: ```yaml controller: externalTrafficPolicy: "Local" extraArgs: enable-ssl-passthrough: "" kind: DaemonSet type: LoadBalancer tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule...

> does it help if you set externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster? The whole purpose of the hairpin proxy is to have working Cluster TrafficPolicy, or am I wrong? @shibumi My goal was...

@evenh Thanks for bringing up! [`crik`]( uses [`criu`]( under the hood to trigger checkpoint and restore. I think checkpoint/restore is a good use case for pre-specificed IP for pods, see...

> It seems to be important to you that the console output of the restored process is captured by Kubernetes in the end. If you exec into the container and...

> Unrelated, but mount /proc/sys/kernel/ns_last_pid seems unnecessary. According to the logs clone3() is used and not ns_last_pid. Thanks! I did that to make sure the process gets a high PID...

Thanks @avagin ! That's what I figured too by reading how `runc` does it [here]( - they're doing exactly like your example by saving to a JSON in the dump...

Bumping build submodule to latest should fix this, see for details.

The error is related to [this line]( At some point, `kind` started not accepting capitals in cluster name so we changed `INTTESTS` to `inttests` in all [providers](

> No more bumps necessary unless they add new information or additional use cases. The use case we have is that we're storing email addresses as JSON so that they...

I did some experiments using `docker commit` command and `dive` tool to see what changes in the container after you click never show again and then OK. Found out that...