MMDrawerController copied to clipboard
MMOpenDrawerController Integrate in swift 3 not working
Use of undeclared type MMOpenDrawerGestureMode in swift 3 not working.
Could you provide some context for the issue you are having and what you are trying to accomplish? What specific error message are you getting and where?
I have the same problem to, except it's only with the .None mode.
When trying to choose the None mode like this:
drawerController?.openDrawerGestureModeMask = MMOpenDrawerGestureMode.None
I have the following error:
'None' has been renamed to 'none'
then after changing to MMOpenDrawerGestureMode.none I have the following error
'none' is unavailable: use [] to construct an empty option set
Any clues ?
= [.none]
Thanks but it doesn't work in my case. Same error as before:
'none' is unavailable: use [] to construct an empty option set
Syntax is correct for enum flag in swift 3 Cannot test it here because not using this pod with swift. Try []? Which version of swift u r using?
I use swift 3.0.2
[] compiles and runs but it doesn't actually desactivate the open gesture.
it should actually.... [] is the correct form. :\ = 0
You're right! There was a problem in my test.
drawerController?.openDrawerGestureModeMask = []
works perfect.
it is not enough. You should set both openDrawerGestureModeMask and closeDrawerGestureModeMask
You can use drawerController?.openDrawerGestureModeMask = MMOpenDrawerGestureMode(rawValue: 0)