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CN-CppUserGroup-2019-1,lock-free queue demo
Lock-Free Queue
lock-free linked-queue & ring-buffer queue
- 演讲ppt:Lock-Free Queue
- 无锁队列的实现 | 酷 壳 - CoolShell
- Yet another implementation of a lock-free circular array queue | CodeProject
- 无锁数据结构(基础篇):原子性、原子性原语
- 无锁数据结构(基础篇):内存栅障
- 无锁数据结构(基础篇):内存模型
- 无锁数据结构(机制篇):内存管理规则
- 3.5 可线性化性 - 51CTO.COM
- 线性一致性(Linear consistency),串行一致性(或顺序一致性Sequential consistency),静态一致性(Quiescent consistency) | Jianning's space
- 多线程程序开发踩坑记 | _kawaiiQ's blog
- Lock-Free 编程 | 匠心十年 - 博客园
- Java并发编程 | 金融通的博客
- Category: 并行编程 - Yebangyu's Blog
- 测试分布式系统的线性一致性 - 知乎
- 分布式系统中的一致性 - 知乎
- Linearizability 和 Serializability | io.Seeker
- Lock-Free Data Structures | Dr Dobb's
- Implementing Lock-Free Queues - John D. Valois
- Simple, Fast, and Practical Non-Blocking and Blocking Concurrent Queue Algorithms - Maged M. Michael, Michael L. Scott
- On the Nature of Progress - Maurice Herlihy, Nir Shavit
- 基于共享内存的多核时代数据结构研究 - 周维, 周可人, 栾钟治, 姚绍文, 钱德沛
- The Art of Multiprocessor Programming - Maurice Herlihy, Nir Shavit
- C++ Concurrency in Action - Anthony Williams, 陈晓伟(译)
- Chapter 22. Boost.Lockfree - 1.69.0
- cameron314/concurrentqueue: A fast multi-producer, multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue for C++11
- LMAX-Exchange/disruptor: High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library
- MengRao/WFMPMC: A bounded wait-free(almost) zero-copy MPMC queue written in C++11, which can also reside in SHM for IPC