muter copied to clipboard
Unable to install muter
brew install muter-mutation-testing/formulae/muter
Running `brew update --auto-update`...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
==> New Formulae
cargo-bundle dart-sdk mle mprocs mypaint-brushes neovide pax uthash
You have 8 outdated formulae installed.
You can upgrade them with brew upgrade
or list them with brew outdated.
==> Tapping muter-mutation-testing/formulae
Cloning into '/opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/muter-mutation-testing/homebrew-formulae'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 61, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 61 (delta 1), reused 7 (delta 1), pack-reused 53
Receiving objects: 100% (61/61), 6.66 KiB | 1.67 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (14/14), done.
Tapped 1 formula (12 files, 13KB).
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
# -=#=- # #
==> Installing muter from muter-mutation-testing/formulae
==> make install prefix=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/muter/15
then fails:
Last 15 lines from muter/01.make:
~~~~~ ^~~~~
/private/tmp/muter-20220707-50537-170grkp/muter-15/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/RawSyntax.swift:157:55: error: value of type 'CSyntaxNode' (aka 'swiftparse_syntax_node_t') has no member 'range'
let end = utf8.index(begin, offsetBy: Int(cnode.range.length))
~~~~~ ^~~~~
/private/tmp/muter-20220707-50537-170grkp/muter-15/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/RawSyntax.swift:873:32: error: value of type 'CSyntaxNode' (aka 'swiftparse_syntax_node_t') has no member 'range'
let byteLength = Int(cnode.range.length)
~~~~~ ^~~~~
/private/tmp/muter-20220707-50537-170grkp/muter-15/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/SyntaxParser.swift:195:57: error: missing argument for parameter #3 in call
let c_top = swiftparse_parse_string(c_parser, source)
, <#Int#>
_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser.swiftparse_parse_string:1:13: note: 'swiftparse_parse_string' declared here
public func swiftparse_parse_string(_: swiftparse_parser_t!, _ source: UnsafePointer<CChar>!, _ len: Int) -> swiftparse_client_node_t!
make: *** [build-release] Error 1
Do not report this issue to Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core!
These open issues may also help:
Error while installing Muter
also unable to install through mint: mint run muter-mutation-testing/muter
What version of macOS/Xcode are you running?
m1 pro macbook, xcode 13.4.1, macOS Monterey 12.4
Similar issue here.
- macOS Monterey 12.6
- Xcode 14.0.1
Also seeing this issue on macOS 13.0 with Xcode 14.
Same problem for me. Is this being worked on?
Same problem, can't install on M2 MacBook Pro (macOS 13.3) and Xcode 14.3
==> make install prefix=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/muter/15
Last 15 lines from /Users/c.nonn/Library/Logs/Homebrew/muter/01.make:
[7/15] Compiling LinuxHelpers dummy.c
[7/15] Compiling WindowsHelpers dummy.c
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[9/16] Compiling atomic-counter.c
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[11/17] Compiling Progress Progress.swift
[12/17] Compiling Rainbow BackgroundColor.swift
[13/17] Compiling Pathos Algorithms.swift
[14/17] Compiling Plot Attribute.swift
[15/17] Compiling ArgumentParser BashCompletionsGenerator.swift
[16/17] Compiling SwiftSyntax AbsolutePosition.swift
/private/tmp/muter-20230510-11715-1jk4zry/muter-15/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/SyntaxParser.swift:17:8: error: no such module '_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser'
import _InternalSwiftSyntaxParser
make: *** [build-release] Error 1
could you folks please try to install from source, using the master branch?
When I tried that myself I got the same issue. On May 22, 2023, at 07:15, Rafael Machado @.***> wrote: could you folks please try to install from source, using the master branch?
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Yup; @zarghol's error is the same as I get when building 1c29fb89af4e19895feae92ad88ff2d0862dc800—macOS 13.2.1 (22D68), Xcode 14.3 (14E222b).
I may have tracked down the issue, I'll let you folks know
#238 should fix this issue
could you please test the version on the master branch? I'm going to release a new version in the next week or so
It works! (tested b5712ca6821b120b7f6be6efac49628fe68de49d)