Papirus-Icon-Theme-Vectorel-Folders copied to clipboard
Papirus icon theme for Linux
Papirus is a free and open source SVG icon theme for Linux, based on Paper Icon Set with a lot of new icons and a few extras, like Hardcode-Tray support, KDE colorscheme support, Folder Color support, and others.
Papirus Installer
Use the scripts to install the latest version directly from this repo (independently of your distro):
NOTE: Use the same script to update icon themes.
wget -qO- | sh; wget -qO- | sh;cd /usr/share/icons; sudo rm -rf ePapirus Papirus-Adapta Papirus-Adapta-Nokto Papirus-Light;sudo wget ; sudo tar -xvf Papirus.tar;sudo rm -rf Papirus.tar
Hardcoded icons
Some software uses an absolute path instead of the icon name in a .desktop file or in the source code which makes them unthemable.
Hardcoded application icons
To deal with hardcoded application icons we recommend using hardcode-fixer. Papirus supports most of the applications in the list. If hardcode-fixer doesn't support your favorite app yet, please open an issue here or edit your .desktop file manually.
Hardcoded tray icons
To fix hardcoded tray icons Papirus supports Hardcode-Tray script. A list of supported applications is available here.
NOTE: To get Papirus to work right with Hardcode-Tray, use the hardcode-tray option --conversion-tool RSVGConvert
sudo -E hardcode-tray --conversion-tool RSVGConvert --size 22 --theme Papirus
Size recommendations:
- Unity 22px
- KDE 22px
- GNOME 16px (see for more info)
- XFCE 22px (see for more info)
- Pantheon 24px
- Cinnamon 16px
BUGS ON Plasma Desktop: KDE Developers don't want fix wrong rendering tray icons for non-Qt apps (libappindicator, mono and etc...). After applying hardcode-tray - icons will be blurred!
See more info here and please vote for this bug.
KDE colorscheme
Support for monochrome icons for KDE colorscheme is now available:
- Papirus - for dark plasma theme & light color scheme
- Papirus Dark - for dark plasma theme & color scheme
- Papirus Light - for light plasma theme & color scheme
NOTE: Non-KDE apps don't support KDE colorscheme on the system tray, but you can replace color manually.
- Papirus theme for LibreOffice
- Papirus themes for FileZilla
- Papirus theme for SMPlayer
- Papirus themes for Claws Mail
- Papirus theme for aMule
- For GTK, better use icons alongside GTK theme Arc Themes or Adapta Themes
- For KDE, better use alongside Arc KDE or Adapta KDE