
Results 8 comments of musta-sd

Vue3 With composition API , I used this example and it is showing me an error Uncaught TypeError: is not a function at __proto.renderGuides

import Gesto from "gesto"; import Guides from "vue3-guides"; const scrollX = ref(0) const scrollY = ref(0) const guides1 = ref(null); const guides2 = ref(null); const guidesPage = ref (null) new...

It is working Thank you so much. last question: I need to customize the lines color based on picker , i tried with css but it is not working

lineColor is for the ruler not the lines , i am using this for ruler

v-if="mediaStore.isReviewImageLineGuiding" ref="guides2" type="vertical" displayDragPos="true" :defaultGuides="defaultGuides1" backgroundColor="#ca3639" lineColor="#ffffff" v-bind:rulerStyle="{ top: '30px', height: 'calc(100% - 30px)', width: '30px', }" v-on:changeGuides="onChange" v-on:clickRuler="clickRuler"