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Basic SysEx support
I'm trying to do some SysEx stuff, but it requires a binding for Pm_WriteSysEx and needs to be able to read the full 32 bits that is written to the buffer by the portmidi C library. Is this possible?
Sorry, there has been so much std lib churn that I've put this on the back burner until it settles down a bit. In the medium term I'm going to integrate this with the midi library I've been working on: midi-rs.
Give me a week or so, and I'll get something working for you.
Sure, thanks! No rush, I've got other blockers too. I'm happy just knowing its in the pipeline.
Status of this issue?
Nothing new. Perhaps you want to work on it?
I'd like to, but I don't know what is PmTimestamp
It's the binding for portmidi PmEvent: typedef struct { PmMessage message; PmTimestamp timestamp; } PmEvent; In portmidi doc there is this description: The timestamp field is observed when the output port is opened with a non-zero latency. A timestamp of zero means "use the current time", which in turn means to deliver the message with a delay of latency (the latency parameter used when opening the output port.) Do not expect PortMidi to sort data according to timestamps -- messages should be sent in the correct order, and timestamps MUST be non-decreasing. See also "Example" for Pm_OpenOutput() above.