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An implementation of Raft Consensus Algorithm in Elixir


An implementation of Raft Consensus Algorithm in Elixir

This is not for production use.


## Create cluster including local and remote nodes 
## You can omit locale node names 
iex> Rafute.Client.create_cluster [
...>   :rafute1,
...>   {:rafute2, :"[email protected]"},
...>   {:rafute3, :"[email protected]"}
...> ]

## You can send a query to any nodes because it will be redirected to the leader node  
iex> Rafute.Client.write {:rafute3, :"[email protected]"}, "a", "b"
iex> Rafute.Client.read :rafute1, "a"
{:ok, "b"}

## If the leader node(process) die, new leader process will be elected and the logs will be replicated
iex> :rafute1 |> Process.whereis |> Process.exit(:kill)

Implemented features

  • Leader Election / Log Replication

Not Implemented features

  • Membership Change
  • Log Compaction