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Create PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset


Refactor all the project ! Now it's more efficient and the structure is more clear.




  1. Get your dataset annotations file, parse and save it to two files trainval_annotations.txt and test_annotations.txt, file name doesn't matter.

  2. Your annotations file must have the format like this:

    image_full_path object1_class x1_min y1_min x1_max y1_max object2_class x2_min y2_min x2_max y2_max...

    • You can check examples/Train_annotation.txt file to understand the annotation format more clearly, this is the INRIA annotations file after my processing, your annotations file should be like this.

    • You should write your own dataset annotation process program, I just write for INRIA dataset and you can reference it in preprocess/

    • If I have more time, I will write more process program, you can send your requires in issues.

  3. Edit your dataset config and run file;

    • Check the examples/ to understand how to call the PASCALVOC07 class

    • Config your own information in your pascal voc dataset

    • Set the dataset directory, annotations file and output directory, then just run build, wait for your own pascal voc dataset.


  • I have writen an example of the INRIA dataset:
python preprocess/ /path/to/INRIAPerson
python examples/ /path/to/INRIAPerson /path/to/output

Anything can be send to issues and forgive my poor English...