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Step by step guide to becoming a modern backend developer in 2022

Backend Developer Roadmap

Step by step guide to becoming a modern backend developer in 2023


Table of Contents

  • Internet
    • How Does the Internet Work?
    • What is HTTP?
    • Browsers and how they work
    • DNS and how it works?
    • What is Domain Name?
    • What is hosting?
  • Basic Frontend Knowledge
    • HTML
    • JavaScript
    • CSS
  • Os and General Knowledge
    • Terminal Usage
    • How OSs work in General
    • Process Management
    • Threads and Concurrency
    • Basic Terminal Commands
    • Memory Management
    • Interprocess Communication
    • I/O Management
    • POSIX Basics
    • Basic Networking Concepts
  • Learn a Programming Language
    • JavaScript
    • PHP
    • Golang
  • Version Control Systems
    • Basic Usage of Git
  • Databases
    • Relational Databases
      • PostgreSQL
      • MySQL
      • MariaDB
      • MS SQL
      • Oracle
    • NoSQL Databases
      • MongoDB
      • RethinkDB
      • CouchDB
      • DynamoDB
    • ORMs
    • ACID
    • Transactions
    • N+1 Problem
    • Database Normalization
    • Indexes and how they work
    • Data Replication
    • Sharding Strategies
    • CAP Theorem
  • Learn about APIs
    • Authentication
      • Cookie Based
      • OAuth
      • Basic Authentication
      • Token Authentication
      • JWT
      • OpenID
      • SAML
    • REST
    • JSON APIs
    • SOAP
    • Open API Spec
  • Caching
    • CDN
    • Client Side
    • Server Side
      • Redis
      • Memcached
  • Web Security
    • Hashing Algorithms
      • MD5
      • SHA Family
      • Bcrypt
      • Scrypt
    • HTTPS
    • Content Security Policy
    • CORS
    • SSL/TLS
    • OWASP Security Risks
  • Testing
    • Unit Testing
    • Integration Testing
    • Functional Testing
  • CI / CD
  • Design and Development Principles
    • SOLID
    • KISS
    • YAGNI
    • DRY
    • GOF Design Patterns
    • Domain Driven Design
    • Test Driven Development
  • Architectural Patterns
    • Monolothic Apps
    • Microservices
    • SOA
    • CQRS and Event Sourcing
    • Serverless
  • Search Engines
    • Elastic Search
    • Solr
  • Message Brokers
    • RabbitMQ
    • Kafka
  • Containerization vs Virtualization
    • Docker
    • rkt
    • LXC
  • GraphQL
    • Apollo
    • Relay Modern
  • Graph Databases
    • Neo4j
  • WebSockets
  • Web Servers
    • Nginx
    • Apache
    • Caddy
    • MS IIS
  • Scaling
    • Mitigation Strategies
      • Graceful Degradation
      • Throttling
      • Backpressure
      • Loadshifting
      • Circuit Breaker
    • Understand the Diff
      • Instrumentation
      • Monitoring
      • Telemetry
    • Migration Strategies
    • Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling

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