Code duplication between at_onboarding_cli, at_onboarding_flutter, at_client_service **At_onboarding_flutter → onboarding_service.dart** _Onboard method_ Calls at_client_service.onboard(..) _Authenticate method_ Check atsign server status Calls at_client_service.authenticate **At_onboarding_cli → at_onboarding_service_impl.dart** _Onboard method_ - Checks for secondary...
Registrar related code: - onboarding_cli/register_cli.dart - get free atsigns /v3/get-free-atsign/ - register atsign /v3/register-person - validate otp /v3/validate-person - onboarding_cli/onboarding_util.dart - getCramUsingOtp /v3/authenticate/atsign - getCramKey /v3/authenticate/atsign/activate - at_onboarding_flutter/free_atsign_service.dart - get...
Reopening the issue since it is a breaking change. Change has to be done as part of major version release.
Changes in this branch There is currently an issue when enrollment details are not in local secondary , there is an exception thrown. have to get enrollment details using...
end2end test failure under investigation. Not actively working due to APKAM priorities
Thanks colin for your help yesterday with NoPorts all up and running on the remote RAK test environment. I ran some remote tests on the Quectel EG95. It seems to...
@cconstab should I move to backlog or is this still a priority?
No updates in PR71. carrying over
> The AtData class, which encapsulates the value of a key, currently includes both the value itself and its associated metadata. We previously considered maintaining metadata in a separate hive...
Code changes done in persistence spec and persistence impl Pending. Raise PR after testing uptake in at_client and at_server