mailsend copied to clipboard
Request - Silent mode
Thank you for nice tool!
It may be useful to have an options to "not show windows on start".
Something like -s(-silent).
Thank you!
I am not sure what you're asking? How are you executing it and what platform? Thanks.
I'm running mailsend in Windows 7. When I'm start mailsend via the following batch:
"%mailsenderdir%%mailsender%" -smtp %smtpserver% -port %smtpport% -ssl -auth -user %smtpuser% -pass %smtppwd% -t %mailto% -f %smtpsender% -name "%smtpsenderfullname%" +cc +bc -q -sub %1 -M %2
A black window appear for 1-3 seconds. I want to hide it.
Thank you!
It will take quite a bit of work to do what you want. mailsend is a console app, it has to be converted to a GUI app with console support, which is a lot of work. I doubt I will have time to do it.
If you will have time. Thank you very much!
There is a program that will convert bat files to exe file and it has silent mode along with many other features. See
Hope it helps.