zoom-zt2 copied to clipboard
G1/B1 FOUR effects list
So i downloaded all *.zd2 effects for zoom pedals using zdownload. But it isn't always easy to tell what effect is hidden behind some filenames e.g. FD_B4X12.ZD2
. Fortunately i found decode_effect.py
script. Since i own G1 Four and want to use it on bass i made this list/comparison to be easier loading new effects on my device. Maybe some of you find it useful.
✔ - available for this model (can be installed through tonelib or guitarlab) ✔✔ - installed by default
Group 1 – DYNAMICS
Filename | Size | Name | Description | G1 FOUR | B1 FOUR |
160_COMP.ZD2 |
15.5KB | 160 Comp | This compressor is in the style of the dbx 160A. | ✔✔ | |
24.3KB | BlackOpt | This is a simulation of the Demeter COMP-1 Compulator. Added parameters allow you to adjust the tone. | ✔ | ✔✔ |
13.1KB | Comp | This compressor in the style of the MXR Dyna Comp. | ✔✔ | |
24.0KB | DYN Comp | This is a simulation of the MXR Dyna Comp. Added parameters allow you to adjust the tone and the compressor attack speed. | ✔✔ | |
14.9KB | DualComp | This is a compressor which allows separate settings for the low frequency and high frequency range. | ✔ | |
20.1KB | Glam Comp | This compressor becomes a glamorous tone as increasing the Shape parameter. Also, you can mix the original sound. | ✔✔ | |
17.2KB | GrayComp | This models a ROSS Compressor. Added parameters allow you to adjust the tone. | ✔✔ | |
LMT1176.ZD2 |
26.8KB | LMT-76 | This is a simulation of the UREI 1176LN. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
29.4KB | MB Comp | This is a simulation of the MultiComp (MODE:MB). | ✔✔ | |
25.3KB | MuteSW | This effect allows you to mute the volume using the foot switch. | ✔ | |
23.5KB | NoiseGate | This is a noise gate that cuts the sound during playing pauses. | ✔ | |
14.0KB | OptComp | This is an optical compressor. | ✔ | ✔✔ |
17.0KB | RackComp | This compressor allows more detailed adjustment than Comp. | ✔✔ | |
26.2KB | SlowATTCK | This effect slows the attack of each note, resulting in a violin-like performance. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
25.7KB | ZNR | ZOOM's unique noise reduction cuts noise during pauses in playing without affecting the tone. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
Group 2 – FILTER
Filename | Size | Name | Description | G1 FOUR | B1 FOUR |
15.9KB | A-Filter | This is a resonance filter with a sharp envelope. | ✔ | |
15.7KB | AutoWah | This effect varies wah in accordance with picking intensity. | ✔✔ | |
13.5KB | BassA-Wah | You can adjust the mix of this bass guitar auto-wah with the original signal. | ✔✔ | |
14.9KB | Bass Cry | This talking modulator is suitable for the bass frequency range. | ✔✔ | |
16.9KB | BassGEQ | This 7-band graphic equalizer is suitable for the bass frequency range. | ✔✔ | |
14.4KB | BassPEQ | This 1-band parametric equalizer is suitable for the bass frequency range. | ✔✔ | |
14.7KB | Cry | This effect varies the sound like a talking modulator. | ✔ | |
29.9KB | EnvFilter | This models the MXR envelope filter. | ✔ | |
13.1KB | Exciter | This exciter enables flexible control. | ✔ | ✔✔ |
17.9KB | Gt GEQ | This mono graphic equalizer has 6 bands that suit guitar frequencies. | ✔ | |
17.3KB | Gt GEQ 7 | This mono graphic equalizer has 7 bands that suit guitar frequencies. | ✔✔ | |
15.0KB | High EQ | Designed for high frequencies, this equalizer allows you to select the type. | ✔✔ | |
15.9KB | LFO FLTR | This filter effect changes tone characteristics cyclically. | ✔ | |
14.0KB | Low EQ | Designed for low frequencies, this equalizer allows you to select the type. | ✔ | |
16.7KB | LowPassFL | This effect varies the low pass filter frequency according to picking intensity. | ✔ | |
15.1KB | ParaEQ | This is a 1-band parametric equalizer. | ✔✔ | |
15.7KB | Resonance | This effect varies the resonance filter frequency according to picking intensity. | ✔ | |
16.5KB | RndmFLTR | This filter effect changes character randomly. | ✔✔ | |
19.2KB | SeqFLTR | The sequence filter has the flavor of a Z.Vex Seek-Wah. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
14.5KB | Splitter | This effect divides the signal into two bands (high/low) and lets you freely adjust the mix ratio of the two bands. | ✔✔ | |
19.4KB | St Ba GEQ | This stereo graphic equalizer has 7 bands that suit bass guitar frequencies. | ✔ | |
14.5KB | Step | This special effect gives the sound a stepped quality. | ✔ | |
16.9KB | St Gt GEQ | This stereo graphic equalizer has 6 bands that suit guitar frequencies. | ✔ | |
14.4KB | Z Tron | This is like a Q-Tron Envelope Filter in LP mode. | ✔✔ |
Group 3 – DRIVE
Filename | Size | Name | Description | G1 FOUR | B1 FOUR |
25.4KB | Aco.Sim | This effect changes the tone of an electric guitar to make it sound like an acoustic guitar. | ✔✔ | |
B_OD.ZD2 |
14.8KB | Bass OD | Simulates the ODB-3 overdrive bass machine from BOSS. | ✔ | |
39.6KB | Bass DRV | This is a simulation of the SansAmp BASS DRIVER DI. | ✔✔ | |
15.6KB | BaFzSmile | This models a FUZZ FACE. An added parameter allows you to adjust the balance of original sound and distortion. | ✔ | |
15.6KB | BassMetal | This models a BOSS Metal Zone. An added parameter allows you to adjust the balance of original sound and distortion. | ✔ | |
25.7KB | BassOctFZ | This fuzz effect adds an octave above. | ✔✔ | |
18.5KB | Bass Pre | This is a preamp model with a 3-band equalizer. | ✔✔ | |
18.5KB | BassTsDRV | Simulation of the Ibanez TS808. An added parameter allows you to adjust the balance of original sound and distortion. | ✔✔ | |
16.7KB | Bass BB | This is a simulation of the Xotic Bass BB Preamp. | ✔✔ | |
34.2KB | BlueB BOD | This is a simulation of the MAD PROFESSOR Blueberry Bass Overdrive. An added parameter allows you to adjust the balance of original sound and distortion. | ✔✔ | |
19.7KB | BG GRID | This models a Mesa Boogie GRID SLAMMER. An added parameter allows you to adjust the balance of original sound and overdrive. | ✔ | |
23.2KB | HG THRTTL | This models the sound of the Mesa Boogie THROTTLE BOX(GAIN SWITCH:HI / BOOST:ON). | ✔✔ | |
33.5KB | Dark OD | This is a simulation of the Darkglass Electronics Microtubes B3K. | ✔✔ | |
DI5.ZD2 |
19.7KB | DI-5 | This simulates the AVALON DESIGN U5 preamp. | ✔✔ | |
37.4KB | D.I Plus | This is a simulation of the MXR Bass D.I.+, which has both clean and distortion channels. | ✔✔ | |
DIST_1.ZD2 |
24.3KB | DIST 1 | This models the sound of a BOSS DS-1 DISTORTION. | ✔✔ | |
22.1KB | DIST Plus | This models the sound of a MXR DISTORTION+. | ✔✔ | |
47.3KB | Dark Pre | This is a simulation of the Darkglass Electronics Microtubes B7K. | ✔✔ | |
29.5KB | DYN Drive | This effect easily achieves the warm drive tone of a tube amp. (Fulltone OCD) | ✔ | |
16.9KB | EP Stomp | This models the Maestro Echoplex preamp. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
30.5KB | GoldDrive | This effect models a famous gold overdrive boutique pedal. (Klon Centaur) | ✔✔ | |
27.0KB | MetalWRLD | Simulation of the BOSS Metal Zone, which is characterized by long sustain and a powerful lower midrange. | ✔ | |
17.0KB | NYC Muff | This models an Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi. An added parameter allows you to adjust the balance of original sound and distortion. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
25.7KB | OctFuzz | This fuzz effect adds an octave above. | ✔ | |
19.1KB | OutputBST | We improved the ZOOM G5n OUTPUT BOOSTER as an effect. | ✔ | |
21.4KB | RC Boost | This booster covers sounds ranging from clean boosts to light drives. (Xotic RC Booster) | ✔✔ | ✔ |
21.2KB | RedCrunch | Use this effect for the famous "brown sound." (MI Audio Crunch Box) | ✔✔ | |
17.9KB | SpotBoost | This booster enables flexible control. | ✔ | |
24.1KB | Squeak | This models a ProCo RAT. A parameter has been added that allows you to adjust the mix level of the original sound. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
28.6KB | SweetDrv | This effect models a sweet sounding overdrive. (Mad Professor Sweet Honey Overdrive) | ✔✔ | |
TB_MK15.ZD2 |
38.6KB | TB MK1.5 | This is a classic fuzz effect. (Sola Sound Tone Bender) | ✔ | |
18.4KB | TS Drive | Simulation of the Ibanez TS808. | ✔✔ | |
21.2KB | UpOctBSTR | This effect adds an upper octave to the original sound. We recommend using the front guitar pickup. | ✔ | |
30.0KB | VioletDST | This models the sound of a SUHR Riot Reloaded. | ✔✔ | |
34.3KB | VooDoo-B | This is a simulation of the ROGER MAYER VOODOO-BASS. An added parameter allows you to adjust the balance of original sound and distortion. | ✔✔ | |
25.5KB | Zen O.DRV | This models the sound of a Hermida Audio Zendrive. | ✔✔ |
Group 4 – AMP
Filename | Size | Name | Description | G1 FOUR | B1 FOUR |
AC370_1U.ZD2 |
35.7KB | AC 370 | This models the sound of the Acoustic 370 bass amplifier. | ✔✔ | |
AG750_1U.ZD2 |
39.3KB | AG 750 | This models the sound of the Aguilar DB 750. | ✔✔ | |
B15N_1U.ZD2 |
42.2KB | FlipTop | This models the sound of the Ampeg B-15N bass amplifier. | ✔✔ | |
BGMK1_1U.ZD2 |
42.1KB | BG MK1 | This models the sound of the Mesa Boogie Mark I combo amp. | ✔✔ | |
BGMK3_1U.ZD2 |
41.8KB | BG MK3 | This models the sound of the Mesa Boogie Mark III combo amp. | ✔ | |
BMN1001U.ZD2 |
40.5KB | BMAN100 | This models the sound of the Fender Bassman 100. | ✔✔ | |
44.2KB | DZ DRV | This models the sound of the Diezel Herbert Channel2. | ✔✔ | |
EBH3601U.ZD2 |
46.9KB | EBH360 | This models the sound of the EBS HD360 bass amplifier. | ✔✔ | |
42.9KB | FD TWNR | This models the sound of the Fender '65 Twin Reverb. | ✔✔ | |
41.4KB | FD B-MAN | This models the sound of the Fender '59 Bassman. | ✔✔ | |
43.1KB | FD DLXR | This models the sound of the Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb. | ✔✔ | |
44.9KB | FD MASTER | This models the sound of the Fender ToneMaster B channel. | ✔ | |
HW100_1U.ZD2 |
54.9KB | HW 100 | This models the sound of the Hiwatt Custom 100. | ✔✔ | |
MACH301U.ZD2 |
48.6KB | MATCH30 | This models the sound of the Matchless DC-30. | ✔✔ | |
32.1KB | Mini MkB | This models the sound of the Markbass MINIMARK 802 bass amplifier. | ✔✔ | |
MS19591U.ZD2 |
45.1KB | MS 1959 | This models the sound of the Marshall 1959 SUPER LEAD 100. | ✔✔ | |
MS45OS1U.ZD2 |
46.7KB | MS 45os | This models the sound of the Marshall JTM 45 Offset. | ✔ | |
MS800_1U.ZD2 |
40.2KB | MS 800 | This models the sound of the Marshall JCM800 2203. | ✔✔ | |
ORG1201U.ZD2 |
57.8KB | ORG120 | This models the sound of the Orange Graphic120. | ✔✔ | |
55.8KB | Recti ORG | This models the sound of the Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Orange Channel. | ✔✔ | |
SVT_1U.ZD2 |
38.8KB | AMPG SVT | This models the sound of the Ampeg SVT. | ✔✔ | |
SWR4001U.ZD2 |
44.5KB | SMR400 | This models the sound of the SWR SM-400. | ✔✔ | |
TE400_1U.ZD2 |
39.0KB | TE400SMX | This models the sound of the Trace Elliot AH400SMX. | ✔✔ | |
UK30A_1U.ZD2 |
39.3KB | UK 30A | This models the sound of an early class A British combo amp. | ✔✔ | |
42.4KB | XtasyBlue | This models the sound of the Bogner Ecstasy Blue channel. | ✔✔ |
Group 5 – CABINET
Filename | Size | Name | Description | G1 FOUR | B1 FOUR |
AC_1X18.ZD2 |
29.4KB | AC1x18 | This models an Acoustic 301 cabinet with one 18" speaker. | ✔✔ | |
AG4X10TW.ZD2 |
29.5KB | AG4x10TW | This models an Aguilar GS410 cabinet with four 10" speakers and a tweeter. | ✔✔ | |
AM1X15.ZD2 |
28.6KB | AM1x15 | This models an Ampeg B-15N cabinet with one 15" speaker. | ✔✔ | |
BGN4X12.ZD2 |
32.1KB | BGN4x12 | This models the sound of the Bogner Ecstasy cabinet with four 12" Celestion speakers. | ✔✔ | |
DZ4X12F.ZD2 |
32.5KB | DZ4x12F | This models the sound of a Diezel 412F cabinet with four 12" Celestion Vintage 30 speakers. | ✔✔ | |
EB4X10TW.ZD2 |
29.5KB | EB4x10TW | This models an EBS ProLine 410 cabinet with four 10" speakers and a tweeter. | ✔✔ | |
FD2X12.ZD2 |
32.1KB | FD2x12 | This models the sound of the Fender '65 Twin Reverb cabinet with two 12" Jensen speakers. | ✔✔ | |
FD_B4X12.ZD2 |
29.5KB | FD-B4x12 | This models the sound of the Fender Bassman 100 cabinet with four 12" speakers. | ✔✔ | |
FDB4X10.ZD2 |
32.6KB | FD-B4x10 | This models the sound of the Fender '59 Bassman cabinet with four 10" Jensen speakers. | ✔✔ | |
FDDX1X12.ZD2 |
32.2KB | FD-DX1x12 | This models the sound of a Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb cabinet with one 12" Jensen C-12K Speaker. | ✔✔ | |
FDMA2X12.ZD2 |
32.6KB | FD MA2x12 | This models the sound of a Fender ToneMaster2x12 cabinet with two 12" Celestion G12-80 speakers. | ✔ | |
HW4X12.ZD2 |
32.8KB | HW4x12 | This models the sound of a Hiwatt SE-4123 cabinet with four 12" Fane speakers. | ✔✔ | |
MA2X12.ZD2 |
32.5KB | MA2x12 | This models the sound of a Matchless DC-30 cabinet with 12" Customized Celestion G12H30 and 12" Celestion G12M Greenback speakers. | ✔✔ | |
MK1_1X12.ZD2 |
33.6KB | MK1 1x12 | This models the sound of a Mesa Boogie Mark I cabinet with one 12" ALTEC 417-8H speaker. | ✔✔ | |
MK3_1X12.ZD2 |
32.2KB | MK3 1x12 | This models the sound of a Mesa Boogie Mark III cabinet with one 12" Celestion Black Shadow Speaker. | ✔ | |
28.6KB | MkB2x8TW | This models a Markbass MINIMARK 802 cabinet with two 8" speakers and a tweeter. | ✔✔ | |
MS4X12.ZD2 |
32.3KB | MS4x12 | This models the sound of a Marshall 1960 A-type cabinet with four 12" Celestion speakers. | ✔✔ | |
MS4X12AL.ZD2 |
32.6KB | MS4x12AL | This models the sound of a Marshall JTM45 offset half stack cabinet with four 12" Celestion G12 Alnico speakers. | ✔ | |
MS4X12GB.ZD2 |
32.9KB | MS4x12GB | This models the sound of a Marshall 1960 B-type cabinet with four 12" Celestion G12M GreenBack speakers. | ✔✔ | |
ORG_4X12.ZD2 |
32.6KB | ORG4x12 | This models the sound of an Orange PPC412 cabinet with four 12" Celestion Vintage 30 speakers. | ✔✔ | |
RCT4X12.ZD2 |
34.0KB | RCT4x12 | This models the sound of a Mesa Boogie Recto Standard Slant Cabinet ARMOR with four 12" Celestion Vintage 30 speakers. | ✔✔ | |
SV4X10TW.ZD2 |
29.6KB | SVT4x10TW | This models a SVT-410HLF cabinet with four 10" speakers and a tweeter. | ✔✔ | |
SVT_8X10.ZD2 |
29.8KB | SVT8x10 | This models the sound of the Ampeg SVT-810E cabinet with eight 10" speakers. | ✔✔ | |
SWR_4X10.ZD2 |
29.5KB | SMR4x10TW | This models a SWR GOLIATH cabinet with four 10" speakers and a tweeter. | ✔✔ | |
TE_4X10.ZD2 |
29.7KB | TE4x10 | This models the sound of the TRACE ELLIOT 1048 cabinet with four 10" speakers. | ✔✔ | |
UK2X12.ZD2 |
32.1KB | UK2x12 | This models the sound of an early British combo amp with two 12" Celestion Alnico speakers. | ✔✔ |
Filename | Size | Name | Description | G1 FOUR | B1 FOUR |
ANA234CH.ZD2 |
20.8KB | AnalogCho | This effect simulates an analog chorus. (MXR M-234) | ✔ | |
16.2KB | Ba Detune | By mixing a small amount of the pitch-shifted effect sound with the original sound, a natural bass chorus effect is achieved. | ✔✔ | |
11.3KB | Ba Octave | This effect adds sound one octave below the original sound. | ✔✔ | |
22.8KB | BaMnPitch | This pitch shifter was designed specifically for playing single notes in the bass frequency range. | ✔✔ | |
16.3KB | BassStCho | This stereo chorus for bass has a clear sound quality. | ✔✔ | |
18.3KB | BaVinFLNG | This analog flanger sound is similar to an MXR M-117R. A parameter has been added to cut low frequencies from the effect sound. | ✔✔ | |
21.8KB | BassPhase | This phaser is good for bass frequencies. | ✔ | |
13.0KB | BendCho | This effect provides pitch bending that uses the input signal as trigger and processes each note separately. | ✔ | |
13.9KB | Chorus | This effect mixes a shifted pitch with the original sound to add movement and thickness. | ✔ | |
15.1KB | CloneCho | This analog chorus sound models the Electro-Harmonix SmallClone. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
20.0KB | CoronaTri | This is a model of tc electronic's CORONA Tri-Chorus. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
15.0KB | Detune | By mixing an effect sound that is slightly pitch-shifted with the original sound, this effect type has a chorus effect without much sense of modulation. | ✔ | |
20.3KB | Duo Phase | This effect combines two phasers. | ✔ | |
15.4KB | HPS | This intelligent pitch shifter outputs the effect sound with the pitch shifted according to scale and key settings. | ✔✔ | ✔ |
22.7KB | MonoPitch | This is a pitch shifter with little sound variance for monophonic (single note) playing. | ✔ | |
11.8KB | Octave | This effect adds sound one octave and two octaves below the original sound. | ✔✔ | |
15.5KB | Phaser | This effect adds a phasing variation to the sound. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
21.8KB | PitchSHFT | This effect shifts the pitch up or down. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
14.5KB | RingMod | This effect produces a metallic ringing sound. Adjusting the "Freq" parameter results in a drastic change of sound character. | ✔ | |
15.4KB | Slicer | This effect creates a rhythmical sound by continuously slicing the input. | ✔ | |
14.6KB | StereoCho | This is a stereo chorus with a clear tone. | ✔✔ | |
21.6KB | StonePha | This phaser sound models the Electro-Harmonix SmallStone. | ✔ | |
16.3KB | SuperCho | This models the sound of a BOSS CH-1 SUPER CHORUS. | ✔ | ✔✔ |
13.6KB | TheVibe | This vibe sound features unique undulations. | ✔✔ | ✔ |
27.1KB | Tremolo | This effect varies the volume at a regular rate. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
14.5KB | Vibrato | This effect automatically adds vibrato. | ✔✔ | |
16.1KB | VinFLNGR | This analog flanger sound is similar to an MXR M-117R. | ✔✔ | |
14.8KB | WarpPhase | This phaser has a one way effect. | ✔ |
Group 7 – SFX
Filename | Size | Name | Description | G1 FOUR | B1 FOUR |
14.1KB | AutoPan | This effect moves the sound image cyclically left and right. | ✔ | |
30.2KB | Bomber | This effect generates explosive sounds. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
15.6KB | Defret | Turns the sound from any bass guitar into a fretless bass sound. | ✔✔ | |
21.9KB | HotSpice | This effect simulates a sitar tone. | ✔✔ | |
28.2KB | LoopRoll | This effect allows you use the footswitch to sample and hold what you play. | ✔ | ✔ |
17.0KB | PH+Dist | This effect combines a phaser and distortion in the style of the Roland JET PHASER. | ✔✔ | |
17.6KB | StdSyn | ZOOM original bass synthesizer sound. | ✔ | |
16.9KB | SynTlk | This effect produces a synthesizer sound similar to a talking modulator producing vowels. | ✔✔ | |
Z_SYN_1U.ZD2 |
18.6KB | Z-Syn | This bass synthesizer sound adds analog synth fatness. | ✔✔ |
Group 8 – DELAY
Filename | Size | Name | Description | G1 FOUR | B1 FOUR |
17.1KB | AnalogDly | This analog delay simulation has a long delay with a maximum length of 3000 mS. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
24.5KB | A-Pan DLY | This combines auto pan and delay to create the effect of the stereo image moving cyclically. | ✔ | |
16.9KB | Delay | This long delay has a maximum length of 3000 mS. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
33.1KB | Dual DLY | This effect combines 2 delays and is based on the Eventide TimeFactor DigitalDelay. | ✔ | ✔ |
17.0KB | FilterDly | This effect filters a delayed sound. | ✔ | |
30.1KB | ICE Delay | This effect combines pitch shifting and delay. | ✔ | |
16.2KB | ModDelay | This delay effect allows the use of modulation. | ✔✔ | ✔ |
23.5KB | PhaseDly | This effect applies a phaser to a delayed sound. | ✔ | |
16.7KB | P-P Delay | This delay outputs the delay sound alternately left and right. | ✔✔ | |
18.4KB | Pitch DLY | This effect applies pitch shift to a delayed sound. | ✔ | |
16.7KB | ReverseDL | This reverse delay is a long delay with a maximum length of 1500 mS. | ✔✔ | ✔ |
22.0KB | SlwAtkDly | This effect combines slow attack and delay. | ✔ | |
18.4KB | SlapBackD | This delay features a short delay time that is good for muted rhythm playing and rockabilly. | ✔ | |
24.8KB | SoftEcho | This echo has a soft tone. This echo effect allows the use of modulation. | ✔✔ | |
16.6KB | TapeEcho | This effect simulates a tape echo. Changing the "Time" parameter changes the pitch of the echoes. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
TPEC3_3S.ZD2 |
34.6KB | TapeEcho3 | This tape echo effect models the MAESTRO ECHOPLEX EP-3. | ✔ |
Group 9 – REVERB
Filename | Size | Name | Description | G1 FOUR | B1 FOUR |
14.9KB | Air | This effect reproduces the ambience of a room, to create spatial depth. | ✔ | ✔ |
23.8KB | Chamber | This effect simulates the reverberations of a chamber-sized room. | ✔ | |
26.8KB | Church | This effect simulates the reverberations of a church. | ✔ | |
18.8KB | EarlyRef | This effect reproduces only the early reflections of reverb. | ✔ | |
23.2KB | FD Spring | This simulates the spring reverb of the '65 Fender Twin Reverb. | ✔✔ | |
26.1KB | GateRev | This unique reverb is good for percussive playing. | ✔ | |
17.5KB | Hall | This reverb effect simulates the acoustics of a concert hall. | ✔✔ | ✔ |
20.4KB | HD Hall | This is a dense hall reverb. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
19.6KB | Plate | This simulates a plate reverb. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
17.5KB | Room | This reverb effect simulates the acoustics of a room. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
17.6KB | Spring | This reverb effect simulates a spring reverb. | ✔✔ | ✔✔ |
Very cool, and nicely formatted. I might suggest an addition, make the tick mark denote 'installed by default' (green tick) and 'available via GuitarLab' (maybe grey or yellow tick??).
You should definitely share this somewhere like: https://www.reddit.com/r/zoommultistomp/
Did you auto-gen this? The FLST_SEQ can be parsed to a '--summary' which would be fairly easy to text process.
Glad my code what useful to someone. BTW one area left to explore is how the EQ files are different between the G1Four and B1Four... I'm not sure whether they make a difference to how the pedal sounds.
Very cool, and nicely formatted.
I might suggest an addition, make the tick mark denote 'installed by default' (green tick) and 'available via GuitarLab' (maybe grey or yellow tick??).
That might be useful, but my G1 is already heavily modified and i don't know which effects were here from factory. Of course i can get this info from official Zoom documentation, but it will be a little tedious. Maybe, when i find time.
You should definitely share this somewhere like: https://www.reddit.com/r/zoommultistomp/
Good idea, i will do that!
Did you auto-gen this? The FLST_SEQ can be parsed to a '--summary' which would be fairly easy to text process.
I've done this semi-automatic. First, looped on folder where my ZD2 files are stored and run decode_effect.py
for each file. Later copied this to Excel and made some editing/sorting/grouping. Markdown formatting in VS Code.
Glad my code what useful to someone.
Thanks for your hard work. Your code is super useful!
You definitely don't want to do stuff the tedious way... the FLST_SEQ is embedded in the FW image and can be extracted.
I have a few on disk.
$ find . -iname 'FLST_SEQ.ZT2' -exec bash -c "python3 -m zoom_zt2 --summary {} > {}.txt" \;
$ find . -iname 'FLST_SEQ.ZT2*' > picklist.txt
$ tar -cf summary.tar -T picklist.txt
$ tar -tf summary.tar
I noticed in playing last night that the format for '--summary' are different between zoomzt2.py
and decode_effect.py
. I would propose making these the same - layout, with hex for ID.
Do you have suggestion/requirement?
I modified decode_effecy.py
by myself to include description (stripped) and size in --summary. But i dont think it's needed in production, my use case is kind of narrow.
Nice featuture will be to export effect image as file on disk.
Nice featuture will be to export effect image
try --bitmap
flag ;-)
Nice featuture will be to export effect image
flag ;-) https://github.com/mungewell/zoom-zt2/blob/master/decode_effect.py#L57
So basically im kind of blind 😅
EDIT: I'm not blind! ;) I was using RELEASE version (Summer Fun) and there were no such options. I had to git clone
to newest version, and now i can use --bitmap
BTW I also already use the zoomzt2 to pull out complete state of the pedal (FX/patch), json, bitmaps etc. I render it into tkInter GUI. I also pulled out all of the ZD2s per firmware on my page - normally under DerviedData or something like that.
https://github.com/shooking/ZoomPedalFun/tree/main/python - the b1fourx.py (will be renamed) sometimes needs 3 attempts to start. But it decodes if you have a GCE-3 what it is is currently emulating. I will add the code to change its state in future.
I had to make a mod to Mungewell's zt2 parser to handle real G5n/G3n. If you plug them in it should determine the model, parse etc.
I am working just now on the FXID/GID - I see the error for the newer A1X FX. more stuff
Regarding the DerivedData
For example - https://github.com/shooking/ZoomPedalFun/blob/main/B1XFour/DerivedData/2.00
pi@raspberrypi:~/Software/ZoomPedalFun/B1XFour/DerivedData/2.00 $ grep description FD_B4X12.ZD2.json
"description": "This models the sound of the Fender Bassman 100 cabinet with four 12\" speakers.",
I really like what you've done - how can we merge this into wiki (If you are up for it)
Hey, i just upgraded the list to reflect which effects are installed by default on these devices.
I really like what you've done - how can we merge this into wiki (If you are up for it)
@shooking i'll be very happy if you include this list on your wiki