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Helmfile deployment plugin for HashiCorp Waypoint

Waypoint Helmfile Plugin

waypoint-plugin-helmfile is a Waypoint plugin to trigger Helmfile deployments.


Waypoint is something more than make . It is rather a "pluggable PaaS" powered by waypoint cli, the waypoint-entrypoint binary embedded into application container images, and the waypoint-server. It provides us a framework to connect various tools to finally produce a Heroku-like experience.

This plugin allows you to deploy waypoint-built container images via Helmfile, in a way that the deployed application is connected to the waypoint server.

Comparison with the builtin Exec plugin

This plugin's implementation is conceptually very similar to the builtin Exec plugin as this plugin shells out to run Helmfile.

You may prefer this over Exec when you want:

  • Ability to install required versions of Helmfile and Helm on deploy
  • Standardized usage of Helmfile in Waypoint


There're two ways to install the plugin:

  1. Binary
  2. From Source


  • Grab the waypoint-plugin-helmfile binary from the releases page
  • Put the binary under $YOUR_PROJECT/.config/waypoint/plugins/
  • Run waypoint

From Source

To install the plugin from source, git-clone this project and run the following command:

$ TARGET=path/to/your/waypoint/project make install

The plugin binary gets installed into:


so that the waypoint command can automatically discover the binary.


project = "myapp"

app "myapp" {
  deploy {
    use "helmfile" {
      // The semver constraint for the version of Helmfile to install and use.
      // For example, ">= 0.132.0" instructs the plugin to install the latest Helmfile version that is greater than or equal to 0.132.0
      // This feature is backed by the package manager [shoal](https://github.com/mumoshu/shoal)
      // is able to fetch any packages hosted in https://github.com/fishworks/fish-food
      helmfile_version = ""

      // The semver constraint for the version of Helm. E.g. "3.3.4" or ">= 3.3.4"
      helm_version = ""

      // The path to the helmfile executable. Defaults to "helmfile" and conflicts with `helmfile_version`
      helmfile_bin = ""

      // The path to the helm executable. Defaults to "helm" and conflicts with `helm_version`
      helm_bin = ""

      // Corresponds to `helmfile -e <WAYPOINT_WORKSPACE>`
      environment_template = "{{ .Workspace }}"

      // Corresponds to `helmfile --state-values-file path/to/tmp.yaml`
      // where tmp.yaml is rendered from the following go template.
      values_template {
        data = <<-EOS
          repository: {{.Input.DockerImageName}}
          tag: {{.Input.DockerImageTag}}
        {{- range $k, $v := .Env }}
          {{ $k }}: {{ $v }}
        {{- end }}

      // Path to the helmfile config. Maps to `helmfile -f <PATH>`
      path = "helmfile.yaml"
      // Path to the working directory of the Helmfile process
      dir = "."

      // Maps to `helmfile --selector foo=bar`
      selectors = ["foo=bar"]

      // The default Kubernetes namespace passed to Helmfile.
      // Maps to `helmfile -n NAMESPACE` 
      namespace = ""

      // The default kubeconfig context passed to Helmfile.
      // Maps to `helmfile --kube-context CONTEXT`
      kube_context = ""

      // Maps to `helmfile --allow-no-matching-release`
      allow_no_matching_release = false

      // The number of lines in the context around changes to output
      // Maps to `helmfile apply --contect N`
      diff_context = 3

values_template is important to pass required environment variables to your application.

Waypoint, especially commands like waypoint logs, requires that the application's container image to be built by waypoint so that the image has the "waypoint entrypoint" embedded. Please also see this thread for how the entrypoint needs to be configured.

Within values_template, you can use the same set of template parameters as the Exec plugin. Please refer to the Templates section of the Exec plugin documentato for more information.

For exmaple, a values_template like the below:

  repository: {{.Input.DockerImageName}}
  tag: {{.Input.DockerImageTag}}
{{- range $k, $v := .Env }}
  {{ $k }}: {{ $v }}
{{- end }}

would produce outputs like:

  repository: waypoint-helmfile-monochart-example
  tag: 1

Deployment steps

  1. waypoint init
  2. Update waypoint.hcl with:
deploy {

  use "helmfile" {
    // Corresponds to `helmfile -e <WAYPOINT_WORKSPACE>`
    environment_template = "{{ .Workspace }}"

    // Corresponds to `helmfile --state-values-file path/to/tmp.yaml`
    // where tmp.yaml is rendered from the following go template.
    values_template {
      data = <<-EOS
        repository: {{.Input.DockerImageName}}
        tag: {{.Input.DockerImageTag}}
      {{- range $k, $v := .Env }}
        {{ $k }}: {{ $v }}
      {{- end }}
  1. waypoint init to verify the configuration
  2. waypoint up to build and deploy the app
  3. Validate that the app is available at the Deployment URL
  4. Validate that k8s resources were deployed: kubectl get deploy and kubectl get svc


  1. waypoint destroy