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WC Marketplace is the fastest growing multi-store marketplace plugin for WooCommerce.
“Percentage of the transaction/sale value + a fixed amount per transaction”
Product Enhancement Request Thread Link- https://wc-marketplace.com/support-forum/topic/delivery/#post-135944
separate tab with returns and questions for the Seller (these features already exist).
Correspondence with Vendor src : https://wc-marketplace.com/support-forum/topic/correspondence-with-vendor/#post-134114
src : https://wc-marketplace.com/support-forum/topic/how-to-add-gtin-for-variations/#post-122405 https://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-add-gtin-for-variations/
https://wc-marketplace.com/support-forum/topic/vendor-shipping-order/#post-132954 within the Vendor’s view, the Admin can’t drag the order of the vendor’s shipping method like you can now in the Front End Manager
I would like to only get a specific vendor from the categories. Meaning if there is a product in that category then I would like to get it in Rest...
3) On the vendor store and in a product page sidebar I would like to have all of this as Vendor Info: – Logo (already exists) Should link to the...
src: https://wc-marketplace.com/support-forum/topic/social-login-on-vendor-registration-page/#post-132734
pagespeed shows slow work of vendor list page src: https://wc-marketplace.com/support-forum/topic/dura-puja-offer-office-will-remain-closed-from-11th-19th-oct-offer-20-disc/#post-129519