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credits section
I added a credits section to each of the formats. I think it's important to give some authorship credit here, because it adds a notion of responsibility, and it is useful for various practical things in "the real world" (eg applications to things -- @diasdavid ).
For that purpose, the multiformats originally authored by:
- multihash @jbenet
- multiaddr @jbenet @lgierth (submodules by others)
- multibase @jbenet
- multicodec @diasdavid
- multistream @jbenet @diasdavid @whyrusleeping
- multigram @lgierth
Am i off? i dont want to overcredit or undercredit anything/anyone.
And if we can find other ways to credit everyone else who's been making all the implementations, would be great to add something.
I'm thinking of a big dynamic pictures section pulled from github (like in the libp2p website)
Do i have multistream right? lol. "the whole bikeshed"
multistream @jbenet @diasdavid @lgierth @whyrusleeping
I had no part in that :)
hahahah subtext: i had no part in that [madness] ;D
Sounds like a good idea :)