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A clojure implementation of parsing with derivatives
A Clojure implementation of the parsing with derivatives algorithm.
Parsing with derivatives is interesting because it can handle arbitrary context-free grammars, without regard to left- or right- recursion.
If you just want to parse something, you shouldn't be here yet! Take a look at
A grammar is defined as a map of alternating rule names and definitions. A rule name is a keyword, a definitions are formed of terminals and combinators. The first rule in the vector is the start rule.
Terminal | Meaning |
eps | Epsilon, the parser which acceps the empty string. |
character | A character literal is a parser which accepts itself. |
keyword | A reference to the named rule. |
Combinator | Meaning |
(cat p1 p2...) | Concatentation, i.e. sequence. Variadic. |
(alt p1 p2) | Alternation, a choice between two parsers. |
(star p1) | Kleene star, zero or more of p1. |
(plus p1) | Kleene plus, one oor more of p1. |
(red p1 f) | Reduction, run the parse tree of p1 through f. |
(label l p1) | Label the parse tree of p1 with l, which should be a keyword. |
(hide p1) | Don't include the parse tree of p1. |
TODO: alt should be variadic as well
Use the 'parse' fuction as (parse grammar input)
. It returns a sequence
of parse trees; if your grammar is ambiguous you will get more than one.
TODO: The above is true in principle, but has not been verified. TODO: Change this to a parse/parses pair like instaparse.
Controlling the parse tree
One parse tree node is generated for every rule in the grammar, with a
keyword label as the first element (enlive-style). For example, using
the grammar [:S (cat \a :T), :T (cat \b \c)]
to parse the string "abc"
gives the parse tree [:S \a [:T \b \c]]
If you name a rule using a '-' as the last character, its parse tree
will be merged into the rule which invoked it. Changing the previous example,
[:S (cat \a :T), :T- (cat \b \c)]
will parse the string "abc" to the
parse tree [:S \a \b \c]
Arithmetic expression parser:
(def expression
[:expr :add-expr
:add-expr- (alt :mult-expr
(label :add (cat :mult-expr (hide :add-op) :mult-expr)))
:add-op (alt \+ \-)
:mult-expr- (alt :value
(label :mult (cat :value (hide :mult-op) :value)))
:mult-op (alt \* \/)
:value- (alt :number
(cat (hide \() :add-expr (hide \))))
:number- (red (plus :digit) #(Integer/parseInt (apply str %)))
:digit- (reduce alt [\1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7 \8 \9 \0])])
(parse expression "1*(2+3)") ; => [:expr [:mult 1 [:add 2 3]]]
- Performance has not been tested and is probably bad.
- Only literal terminals are supported; no ranges, no regular expressions.
A lot of inspiration is taken from instaparse, which is the parser you should probably be using:
Some other ideas have been appropriated from parsely, the other parser you should probably be using:
The parsing with derivatives paper and associated web site:
A lecture about parsing with derivatives:
A well-documented java implementation:
Another clojure implementation:
Copyright © 2013 Russell Mull
Except walk2.clj, which was written by Stuart Sierra for hopeful inclusion into a future version of Clojure.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.