Mike Kittridge
Mike Kittridge
Thanks for looking into it! Out of all the google drive related linux programs, I'm most optimistic about this one.
Oh ok, so I didn't mess up something then. I tried the archive option originally, but since the -D option has not been implemented in gsync the archive option simply...
Fantastic! Thank you very much for your efforts. I'm really looking forward to actively using gsync.
I have the same problem...but I don't have a dirty hack... :(
This is quite a problem for reproducibility and especially between the default channel and conda-forge.
What's the closest function in CuPy to the LinearNDInterpolator for N-dimensions? Would it be the RBFInterpolator using the 'linear' kernel? Thanks!
By the way, [CGAL](https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Manual/packages.html#PartTriangulationsAndDelaunayTriangulations) (a C++ library) may help with Delaunay Triangulations for the LinearNDInterpolator. This is someone who wrote a python wrapper on top of it: https://github.com/rncarpio/delaunay_linterp As well...
Thanks for the reply. And yes, I've tested both RBF and LinearNDInterpolator, and they do result in significant differences. Also LinearNDInterpolator is much faster. Here are a couple other projects...