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The Command Line Interface (CLI) scaffolding tool to generate Osprey-based applications, ideally from a pre-defined RAML API spec, with just a single command.

Osprey CLI

NPM version Build Status Dependency Status

The Command Line Interface (CLI) scaffolding tool to generate Osprey-based applications, ideally from a pre-defined RAML API spec, with just a single command.


The current release of Osprey CLI is very much a work in progress. As it is in active use within a number of rapid development projects, it too is evolving with the needs those projects uncover. While it is proving extremely beneficial, because it's still evolving rapidly we don't yet feel it meets our criteria for a first fully stable release.

We encourage you to use it and participate by raising issues, providing feedback or contributing your own code (see below)

Coming Soon

Please check the Osprey CLI 1.0 Milestone issues list to stay up-to-date with the immediate roadmap.


Osprey-CLI creates an Osprey-based application by invoking a command and specifying a few parameters. As result, you will get the skeleton of an Osprey application (coded in JavaScript or CoffeeScript) to start working right away.

Related projects

Check out the main Osprey project itself for information about the framework on which this tool generates applications.


If you are interested in contributing some code to this project, thanks! Please submit a Contributors Agreement acknowledging that you are transferring ownership.

To discuss this project, please use its github issues or the RAML forum.


To start using Osprey CLI you'll need the following:

Getting started

Install Osprey CLI globally - npm install -g osprey-cli.

Creating a new application

osprey new [raml-file or path-to-raml] [options]

For [path-to-raml-file or path-to-raml-folder] you can specify either the path to either a RAML file or a folder containing a RAML definition distributed across several files. In both cases, the original file(s) will be copied to a subfolder inside the generated project structure: [output folder]/src/assets/raml (where [output folder] is specified by the --target parameter).

Option Default Value Description
--help - Shows usage information
--version - Shows the version number
--baseUri /api Specifies base URI for your API
--language javascript Specifies output programming language: javascript, coffeescript
--target cwd Specifies output directory
--name - Specifies application name. This parameter is required.
--verbose - Sets the verbose level of output
--quiet - Silences commands

osprey new --name my-app or osprey new -n my-app

osprey new api.raml --name my-app

osprey new resources/specs -n my-app -l coffeescript

Bonus utility: Listing RAML resources in any RAML file

osprey list <raml-file>


osprey list api.raml

Running the API

From your terminal run: grunt (recommended: It will set up the proper listeners so changes in the code are automatically refreshed in runtime).

OR you can always run: node src/app.js