raml-for-jax-rs copied to clipboard
Can you provide an example of integration with spring boot?
My raml file looks like this:
#%RAML 1.0 title: Book API baseUri: http://api.datiip.com/ version: v1 types: User: type: object properties: name: type: string telephone: type: number age: type: number minimum: 0 maximum: 150 ResponseEntity: type: object properties: code: number message: string
/auser: get: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: User 500: body: application/json: type: ResponseEntity post: responses: 200: body: application/json: type: ResponseEntity
This is the endpoint interface file that I got: @Path("/auser") public interface Auser { /** */ @GET @Produces("application/json") GetAuserResponse getAuser();
/** */ @POST @Produces("application/json") PostAuserResponse postAuser();
class GetAuserResponse extends ResponseDelegate { private GetAuserResponse(Response response, Object entity) { super(response, entity); }
private GetAuserResponse(Response response) {
public static GetAuserResponse respond200WithApplicationJson(User entity) {
Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.status(200).header("Content-Type", "application/json");
return new GetAuserResponse(responseBuilder.build(), entity);
public static GetAuserResponse respond500WithApplicationJson(ResponseEntity entity) {
Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.status(500).header("Content-Type", "application/json");
return new GetAuserResponse(responseBuilder.build(), entity);
class PostAuserResponse extends ResponseDelegate { private PostAuserResponse(Response response, Object entity) { super(response, entity); }
private PostAuserResponse(Response response) {
public static PostAuserResponse respond200WithApplicationJson(ResponseEntity entity) {
Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.status(200).header("Content-Type", "application/json");
return new PostAuserResponse(responseBuilder.build(), entity);
} }
How can I inherit such interfaces to write my own implementation logic flexibly, please give me a demo with spring boot integrated.
Thank you very much!
I don't really "integrate" with SpringBoot. I've successfully used SB in projects. I have an example project doing just that at https://github.com/jpbelang/BeerTrader.
I don't really "integrate" with SpringBoot. I've successfully used SB in projects. I have an example project doing just that at https://github.com/jpbelang/BeerTrader.
I have seen that you have used uppercased letters for the enum declarations in your example. I is that intended? I am having problems with some of the default example RAML apis (eg.: the jukebox) using lower cased enum definitions. At runtime Jersey is having obvious problems not finding the enum constant:
Generated java code with lower cased enum def:
public enum AlbumsAlbumIdSongsGetOrder {
private String name;
AlbumsAlbumIdSongsGetOrder(String name) {
this.name = name;
And the generated api looks like this:
GetAlbumsResponse getAlbums(@QueryParam("query") String query,
@QueryParam("orderBy") String orderBy,
@QueryParam("order") @DefaultValue("desc") @Valid AlbumsGetOrder order,
@QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0") int offset,
@QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue("10") int limit);
And this will cause a runtime error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant com.example.AlbumsAlbumIdSongsGetOrder.desc
Also I have not found any bugs / issues regarding this java codegen problem. Have you ran into this?
Not too sure, but from a serialization perspective, it seems to work. I've put an example for it in the tool project. I'll check for the @DefaultValue.