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Update dependency Newtonsoft.Json to v13

Open renovate-pro-kbuild[bot] opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
Newtonsoft.Json (source) nuget major 9.0.1 -> 13.0.1
Newtonsoft.Json (source) nuget major 11.0.2 -> 13.0.1

Release Notes



Compare Source

  • New feature - Add JsonSelectSettings with configuration for a regex timeout
  • Change - Remove portable assemblies from NuGet package
  • Change - JsonReader and JsonSerializer MaxDepth defaults to 64
  • Fix - Fixed throwing missing member error on ignored fields
  • Fix - Fixed various nullable annotations
  • Fix - Fixed annotations not being copied when tokens are cloned
  • Fix - Fixed naming strategy not being used when deserializing dictionary enum keys
  • Fix - Fixed serializing nullable struct dictionaries
  • Fix - Fixed JsonWriter.WriteToken to allow null with string token
  • Fix - Fixed missing error when deserializing JToken with a contract type mismatch
  • Fix - Fixed JTokenWriter when writing comment to an object


Compare Source

  • New feature - Added support for nullable reference types
  • New feature - Added KebabCaseNamingStrategy
  • Change - Package now uses embedded package icon
  • Fix - Fixed bug when merging JToken with itself
  • Fix - Fixed performance of calling ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties
  • Fix - Fixed serializing Enumerable.Empty and empty arrays on .NET Core 3.0
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing some collection types with constructor
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing IImmutableSet to ImmutableHashSet instead of ImmutableSortedSet
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing IImmutableDictionary to ImmutableDictionary instead of ImmutableSortedDictionary
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing into constructors with more than 256 parameters
  • Fix - Fixed hang when deserializing JTokenReader with preceding comment
  • Fix - Fixed JSONPath scanning with nested indexer
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing incomplete JSON object to JObject
  • Fix - Fixed using StringEnumConverter with naming strategy and specified values


Compare Source

  • New feature - Added MissingMemberHandling to JsonObjectAttribute and JsonObjectContract
  • New feature - Added constructor to JTokenReader to specify initial path
  • New feature - Added JsonProperty.IsRequiredSpecified
  • New feature - Added JsonContract.InternalConverter
  • Change - Moved embedded debug symbols in NuGet package to a symbol package on NuGet.org
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing nullable struct collections
  • Fix - Fixed memory link when serializing enums to named values
  • Fix - Fixed error when setting JsonLoadSettings.DuplicatePropertyNameHandling to Replace


Compare Source

  • New feature - Added NuGet package signing
  • New feature - Added Authenticode assembly signing
  • New feature - Added SourceLink support
  • New feature - Added constructors to StringEnumConverter for setting AllowIntegerValue
  • New feature - Added JsonNameTable and JsonTextReader.PropertyNameTable
  • New feature - Added line information to JsonSerializationException
  • New feature - Added JObject.Property overload with a StringComparison
  • New feature - Added JsonMergeSettings.PropertyNameComparison
  • New feature - Added support for multiple Date constructors with JavaScriptDateTimeConverter
  • New feature - Added support for strict equals and strict not equals in JSON Path queries
  • New feature - Added EncodeSpecialCharacters setting to XmlNodeConverter
  • New feature - Added trace message for serializing to non-writable properties
  • New feature - Added support for NamingStrategy to StringEnumConverter
  • New feature - Added JsonLoadSettings.DuplicatePropertyNameHandling setting
  • Change - JTokenReader now uses JsonReader.DateTimeZoneHandling setting for date values
  • Change - Excluded TargetSite when serializing Exceptions without SerializableAttribute
  • Change - Changed StringEnumConverter.ctor(bool camelCaseText) to obsolete
  • Change - Changed StringEnumConverter.CamelCaseText to obsolete
  • Fix - Fixed incorrect overflow when reading decimal values from JSON
  • Fix - Fixed error message when trying to deserialize an abstract serializable type
  • Fix - Fixed parsing decimals from a string with an exponent
  • Fix - Fixed losing DateTime.Kind when deserializing ISO date strings
  • Fix - Fixed calling constructors with ref and in parameters
  • Fix - Fixed rare race condition in name table when serializing
  • Fix - Fixed unhelpful exception message when unable to convert JSON value to DateTime
  • Fix - Fixed error when deserializing empty array in DataTable
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing empty string to empty byte array
  • Fix - Fixed blank extension data values with required properties and deserializing with constructor
  • Fix - Fixed ignored values being set in extension data when deserializing
  • Fix - Fixed comparing equal integer and floating point values in JSON Path
  • Fix - Fixed BsonReader when reading multiple content
  • Fix - Fixed setting extension data with existing key
  • Fix - Fixed including array attribute in XML with namespaces when converting JSON to XML
  • Fix - Fixed error when serializing ref struct properties by excluding them from serialization


Compare Source

  • Change - Revert DataContractAttribute to not force JSON object serialization (use JsonObjectAttribute instead)
  • Fix - Fixed JPropertyDesciptor.GetValue and SetValue to not throw for non-JObject argument
  • Fix - Fixed JObject ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperty to return the current instance
  • Fix - Fixed serializing FileInfo/DirectoryInfo with a JsonConverter in .NET Standard
  • Fix - Fixed serializing F# enums
  • Fix - Fixed serializing types with multiple members of the same name


Compare Source

  • New feature - Added netstandard2.0 build
  • New feature - Added generic JsonConverter<T>
  • New feature - Added UnixDateConverter for converting Unix timestaps
  • New feature - Added support for regex operator in JSON Paths
  • New feature - Added JsonObjectAttribute.ItemNullValueHandling
  • New feature - Added JsonObjectContract.ItemNullValueHandling
  • New feature - Improved performance when resolving serialization contracts by using ConcurrentDictionary
  • New feature - Improved performance of JToken.Path with a faster reverse
  • New feature - Improved performance of parsing Int32 JSON integer values
  • New feature - Improved performance of parsing and writing enum names
  • New feature - Added IgnoreIsSpecifiedMembers to DefaultContractResolver
  • New feature - Added IgnoreShouldSerializeMembers to DefaultContractResolver
  • New feature - Added support for reading multiple comma delimited values with JsonReader.SupportMultipleContent
  • New feature - Improved error message when an object is reused with PreserveReferencesHandling
  • New feature - Added IConvertible support to netstandard1.3
  • New feature - Added INotifyPropertyChanging support to netstandard1.3
  • New feature - Optimized internal buffering when writing very large strings
  • New feature - JObject.ContainsKey is now public
  • New feature - Improved the error message when serialized ByRef properties
  • New feature - Improved the error message when serializing FileInfo/DictionaryInfo without ISerializable
  • New feature - Improved the error message when failing conversion in JsonReader.ReadAsInt32 and JsonReader.ReadAsDecimal
  • New feature - Improved the error message when deserializing badly formatted regex strings
  • Change - Types that implement ISerializable but don't have [SerializableAttribute] are not serialized using ISerializable
  • Change - Changed JsonProperty.MemberConverter to obsolete
  • Change - Changed camel casing logic for all caps words to not leave last character capitalized
  • Change - Changed enum serialization in dictionary keys to use EnumMemberAttribute
  • Fix - Fixed converting default datetime in JSON to XML on netstandard1.3
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing ObservableCollection in .NET Core 2.0
  • Fix - Fixed incorrectly allowing static IsSpecified properties
  • Fix - Fixed not preserving trailing zeros when deserializing decimals
  • Fix - Fixed JValue.CompareTo with number and string values
  • Fix - Fixed not erroring when reading undefined for nullable long
  • Fix - Fixed serializing immutable collections when .NET 4.0 or previous Newtonsoft.Json assembly is GACed
  • Fix - Fixed writing null values by XmlNodeConverter and RegexConverter
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing with a TraceWriter when the reader is not at the start
  • Fix - Fixed TraceJsonWriter.WriteValue(object) writing value twice
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing with constructor and readonly collection property
  • Fix - Fixed error when writing unknown null value as JSON
  • Fix - Fixed merging null string values
  • Fix - Fixed missing CancellationToken usages in JsonTextWriter.WriteAsync
  • Fix - Fixed error with JsonSerializer.Populate and comments in JSON array
  • Fix - Fixed error handling when deserializing certain dictionary and lists
  • Fix - Fixed serializing collection that is nullable
  • Fix - Fixed JsonTextReader sync read in async method
  • Fix - Fixed JsonConverter not called when target type is list and token is a string
  • Fix - Fixed serializing a property that is defined in multiple interfaces
  • Fix - Fixed error when deserializing null value into ConcurrentDictionary
  • Fix - Fixed escaping special characters in generated JSON Paths
  • Fix - Fixed reading escaped special characters in JSON Paths
  • Fix - Fixed using extension data with dictionary that explicitly implements Add method
  • Fix - Fixed parsing enum name to exact casing value before falling back to case-insensitive value
  • Fix - Fixed DataContractAttribute not forcing object serialization of classes
  • Fix - Fixed bug when deserializing into existing non-IList collection
  • Fix - Fixed bug when deserializing into existing non-IDictionary collection
  • Fix - Fixed JsonReader.ReadAsInt32 with BigInteger values


Compare Source

  • New feature - Added support for deserializing XmlElement, XmlNode, XObject, XNode and XContainer with XmlNodeConverter
  • Change - MinClientVersion 2.12 added to NuGet package to restrict to compatible clients
  • Fix - Fixed JsonSerializer.Binder to not throw an error when binder instance is compatible
  • Fix - Fixed stack overflow when deserializing incomplete JSON to XML
  • Fix - Fixed JSON Path recursive descent queries
  • Fix - Fixed serializing ConcurrentDictionary in .NET Core 2.0
  • Fix - Fixed serializing ConcurrentStack/Queue/Bag
  • Fix - Fixed MemoryTraceWriter thread safety
  • Fix - Fixed JSON Path root filter sometimes not correctly returning root token
  • Fix - Fixed properties with JsonIgnore not being ignored with ItemRequired
  • Fix - Fixed JToken.Load not reading past comment when CommentHandling is Ignore
  • Fix - Fixed JsonReader.ReadAsDecimal with a JValue containing a BigInteger value
  • Fix - Fixed converting JSON values to XML attributes to ignore current culture
  • Fix - Fixed converting JSON byte array data to XML
  • Fix - Fixed reading some types from KeyValuePairConverter incorrectly
  • Fix - Fixed comparing high precision decimal JValues
  • Fix - Fixed JsonWriter.WriteToken(JsonReader) not erroring on incomplete token
  • Fix - Fixed not preventing negative integers with StringEnumConverters.AllowIntegerValues


Compare Source

  • Change - .NET 4 portable class library target added back to NuGet package
  • Change - Changed NuGet dependencies to use NETStandard.Library 1.6.1
  • Change - Changed double parsing back to double.TryParse to avoid small floating point precision errors
  • Fix - Fixed binary serialization of JsonException and friends
  • Fix - Fixed JsonLoadSettings.LineInfoHandling not being used correctly when loading JTokens
  • Fix - Fixed serializing IListSource implementations
  • Fix - Fixed handling errors when reading metadata properties during deserialization


Compare Source

  • New feature - Added async read support to JsonReader
  • New feature - Added async write support to JsonWriter
  • New feature - Added async support for loading JObject and JArray
  • New feature - Added non-allocating parsing of double and decimal values
  • New feature - Added support for TypeConverters to netstandard1.0+
  • New feature - Added support for BigInteger to netstandard1.3+
  • New feature - Added support for ISerializable to netstandard1.3+
  • New feature - Added support for XmlDocument to netstandard1.3+
  • New feature - Added support for SerializableAttribute and NonSerializedAttribute to netstandard1.3+
  • New feature - Added ISerializationBinder
  • New feature - Added SerializationBinder properties to JsonSerializer and JsonSerializerSettings
  • New feature - Added TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling
  • New feature - Added TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling properties to JsonSerializer and JsonSerializerSettings
  • New feature - Added support for root object selector in JSONPath filters
  • New feature - Added support for multiple names in JSONPath scan filter
  • New feature - Added support for any combination of paths and values in JSONPath filter expressions
  • New feature - Added support for extension data names to NamingStrategy
  • New feature - Added ProcessExtensionDataNames flag to NamingStrategy
  • New feature - Added JsonWriter.AutoCompleteOnClose to control whether JSON is auto-completed on JsonWriter.Close
  • New feature - Added JsonReaderException constructor with path, line number, line position
  • New feature - Added JsonWriterException constructor with path
  • New feature - Added JsonReader.SetToken method overload with option not to update position array index
  • New feature - Added support for automatically calling single constructor on immutable structs
  • Change - Removed .NET 4 portable class library target from NuGet package
  • Change - Removed obsolete JsonConverter.GetSchema method
  • Change - Removed obsolete constructor from DefaultContractResolver
  • Change - Removed obsolete async methods from JsonConvert
  • Change - Removed obsolete OnDeserialized, OnDeserializing, OnSerialized, OnSerializing, OnError from JsonContract
  • Change - Removed obsolete JsonDictionaryContract.PropertyNameResolver
  • Change - Removed obsolete ConstructorParameters, OverrideConstructor, ParametrizedConstructor from JsonObjectContract
  • Change - Obsoleted TypeNameAssemblyFormat properties on JsonSerializer and JsonSerializerSettings
  • Change - Obsoleted SerializationBinder
  • Change - Obsoleted Binder properties on JsonSerializer and JsonSerializerSettings
  • Change - Obsoleted FormatterAssemblyStyle in non-full .NET targets
  • Change - Obsoleted Newtonsoft.Json.Bson (moved to new NuGet package)
  • Change - Improved constructor parameter binding on .NET Core and portable builds
  • Change - Improved error when attempting to convert root JSON object property to an XML attribute
  • Change - Changed exception thrown when parsing invalid Unicode escape sequence to JsonReaderException
  • Change - Changed StringEnumConverter.AllowIntegerValues to also reject reading integer strings
  • Change - Changed StringEnumConverter.AllowIntegerValues to also reject writing enum values with no name
  • Fix - Fixed JsonTextReader.ReadAsXXX methods not erroring on missing commas between values
  • Fix - Fixed error when serializing F# lists with F# 4.1+
  • Fix - Fixed StringEnumConverter reading specified enum names that contain a comma
  • Fix - Fixed using a TraceWriter with nullable bytes
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing null Regex values
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing DataTable with error handling
  • Fix - Fixed DynamicReflectionDelegateFactory creating typed value type constructors
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing with type naming and complex nested generic types
  • Fix - Fixed error when converting certain JSON to XML on .NET Core
  • Fix - Fixed error handling skipping reading the next object value
  • Fix - Fixed date XML precision when converting certain JSON to XML on portable builds
  • Fix - Fixed not serializing readonly properties as references if they have corresponding creator parameters
  • Fix - Fixed type name being written with nullable structs and TypeNameHandling.Auto
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing a duplicate dictionary key from a parameterized constructor
  • Fix - Fixed not erroring when deserializing incomplete JSON with a parameterized constructor
  • Fix - Fixed incorrectly parsing scan filter when name is quoted
  • Fix - Fixed return type for SByte and SByteNullable in JToken.ToObject
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing generic only IList types with a constructor override
  • Fix - Fixed null reference error with ReadAsBytes and an empty JSON object
  • Fix - Fixed StringEnumConverter when EnumMember defines members that differ only by case
  • Fix - Fixed serializing protected override properties
  • Fix - Fixed merging null with complex type and MergeNullValueHandling.Ignore
  • Fix - Fixed roundtripping double.MaxValue and float.MaxValue as dictionary keys
  • Fix - Fixed JsonValidatingReader not closing underlying reader
  • Fix - Fixed writing duplicate nulls to trace with TraceJsonWriter.WriteValue for object, Uri, byte[]
  • Fix - Fixed BsonWriter.WriteValue erroring for null Uri or byte[]
  • Fix - Fixed not calling nullable WriteValue overloads in TraceJsonWriter
  • Fix - Fixed serializer not throwing an error when there is a comment followed by additional content when CheckAdditionalContent is true
  • Fix - Fixed JObject/JArray Parse not throwing an error when there is a comment followed by additional content
  • Fix - Fixed deserializing non-string values in some XML nodes
  • Fix - Fixed converting XML to JSON when json:Array and xmlns:json attributes are used directly on the array's element
  • Fix - Fixed error when attempting to populate values into read-only collection after creating object from non-default constructor

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