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aws-keycloak copied to clipboard

aws-vault like tool for Keycloak authentication


aws-keycloak allows you to authenticate with AWS using your Keycloak credentials. It runs any commands with the 5 AWS environment variables set.



$ brew tap mulesoft-labs/tap
$ brew install aws-keycloak

From source

$ go get


aws-keycloak allows you to authenticate with AWS using your keycloak credentials

  aws-keycloak [flags] -- <command>
  aws-keycloak [command]

  aws-keycloak -p power-devx -- aws sts get-caller-identity

Available Commands:
  aws         Invoke aws subcommands (always use -- before subcommand and flags)
  check       Check will authenticate you through keycloak and store session.
  env         Invokes `printenv`. Takes var names or prints all env
  help        Help about any command
  open        Open a AWS console logged into a given profile

  -b, --backend string            Secret backend to use [keychain file]
  -c, --config string             Keycloak provider configuration (default "/.aws/keycloak-config")
  -d, --debug                     Enable debug output
  -h, --help                      help for aws-keycloak
  -k, --keycloak-profile string   Keycloak system to auth to (default "id")
  -p, --profile string            AWS profile to run against (recommended)
  -q, --quiet                     Minimize output
      --version                   version for aws-keycloak

Use "aws-keycloak [command] --help" for more information about a command.

aws-keycloak -- sets 5 environment vars and runs the command that comes after it.

$ aws-keycloak -- printenv

aws-keycloak also has some helper subcommands for the aws CLI tool and getting env vars.

$ aws-keycloak -- printenv [name]
 # is the same as
$ aws-keycloak env [name]

$ aws-keycloak -- aws <subcomand>
 # is the same as
$ aws-keycloak aws -- <subcomand>

$ aws-keycloak check
 # is the same as
$ aws-keycloak -- aws sts get-caller-identity

When invoked, user will be asked to authenticate to keycloak and will be prompted with the roles available across all AWS accounts. To avoid this, use the --profile flag.

$ aws-keycloak -p power-devx check
 # this will not prompt for role


You need a configuration file that describes how to talk to the keycloak server. This is an ini file at ~/.aws/keycloak-config, or can be specified using --config.

The default keycloak profile is id. This can be specified with the --keycloak-profile flag. The section must contain:

keycloak_base = https://keycloak
aws_client_id = urn:amazon:webservices
aws_client_secret = <client secret from keycloak>


Within the keycloak config file (above) you can specify aliases to shorten the commands you use. Aliases take the form alias = keycloak-env:profile:region(optional).

stg     = id:admin-staging:us-west-2
build   = id:ro-build
sbox    =

Aliases are invoked with the --profile|-p param.

$ aws-keycloak -p stg check
    "UserId": "AROAXXXXXXXXXXXXXU752:tobias.funke",
    "Account": "003XXXXXX831",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::003XXXXXX831:assumed-role/keycloak-admin-staging/tobias.funke"


We use 99design's keyring package that they use in aws-vault. Because of this, you can choose between different pluggable secret storage backends just like in aws-vault. You can either set your backend from the command line as a flag, or set the AWS_KEYCLOAK_BACKEND environment variable.


$aws-keycloak check
INFO[0000] If browser window does not open automatically, open it by clicking on the link:
INFO[0000] Waiting for response on:
INFO[0024] Successfully exchanged for Access Token
[  0] arn:aws:iam::003XXXXXX831:role/keycloak-admin-acct1
[  1] arn:aws:iam::008XXXXXX527:role/keycloak-power-acct2
[  2] arn:aws:iam::053XXXXXX888:role/keycloak-power-acct3
[  3] arn:aws:iam::055XXXXXX539:role/keycloak-power-acct4
[  4] arn:aws:iam::073XXXXXX418:role/keycloak-power-acct5
[  5] arn:aws:iam::379XXXXXX376:role/keycloak-power-acct6
[  6] arn:aws:iam::494XXXXXX463:role/keycloak-power-acct7
[  7] arn:aws:iam::645XXXXXX287:role/keycloak-power-acct9
[  8] arn:aws:iam::655XXXXXX869:role/keycloak-power-acct10
[  9] arn:aws:iam::675XXXXXX222:role/keycloak-power-acct11
Choice: 4
INFO[0034] Assuming role 'power-acct1'. You can specify this with the --profile flag
    "UserId": "AROAXXXXXXXXXXXXXCIK4:tobias.funke",
    "Account": "073XXXXXX418",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::073XXXXXX418:assumed-role/keycloak-power-acct1/tobias.funke"
$aws-keycloak --debug --profile power-acct1 check
DEBU[0000] Parsing config file /Users/tobias.funke/.aws/keycloak-config
DEBU[0000] Step 0: Checking existing AWS session
DEBU[0000] found aws session in keyring
DEBU[0000] AWS session already valid for power-acct1
DEBU[0000] Running command `aws sts get-caller-identity` with AWS env vars set
    "UserId": "AROAIC5ECYBOX4KG2CIK4:tobias.funke",
    "Account": "073XXXXXX418",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::073XXXXXX418:assumed-role/keycloak-power-acct1/tobias.funke"
$aws-keycloak -p power-acct1 aws -- sts get-caller-identity
    "UserId": "AROAXXXXXXXXXXXXXCIK4:tobias.funke",
    "Account": "073XXXXXX418",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::073XXXXXX418:assumed-role/keycloak-power-acct1/tobias.funke"

$ export KEY_ID=$(aws-keycloak -p power-acct1 env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID)
$ echo $KEY_ID