WebWhatsapp-Wrapper copied to clipboard
Hi, sendimage not working.... somebody Knows??
Some mobile phone numbers are abnormal, because the queried number does not match the mobile phone number after the store is loaded
window.WAPI.sendImage = function (imgBase64, chatid, filename, caption, done) { //var idUser = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatid); var idUser = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatid, { intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true });
function send(chat){
var mediaBlob = window.WAPI.base64ImageToFile(imgBase64, filename);
var mc = new Store.MediaCollection(chat);
mc.processAttachments([{ file: mediaBlob }, 1], chat, 1).then(() => {
// var media = mc.models[0];
var media = mc._models[0];
media.sendToChat(chat, { caption: caption });
if (done !== undefined) done(true);
}).catch(err =>{
console.log("upload --- handle---error", err)
// create new chat
return Store.Chat.find(idUser).then((chat) => {
}).catch(err => {
// Query the mobile phone number and obtain the mobile phone number, there are differences
// (610481277023 :: 61481277023)
// Use the current chat window
let activeChat = Store.Chat.getActive()
thanks @RDKclick
@RDKclick Can you please send your wapi.js? still i have issue for image
- This script contains WAPI functions that need to be run in the context of the webpage */
- Auto discovery the webpack object references of instances that contains all functions used by the WAPI
- functions and creates the Store object.
еģº{ id: "WapQuery", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.queryExist) ? module.default : null}, ¾ÉµÄ£º{ id: "WapQuery", conditions: (module) => (module.queryExist) ? module : ((module.default && module.default.queryExist) ? module.default : null) }, */ if (!window.Store) { (function() { function getStore(modules) { let foundCount = 0; let neededObjects = [ { id: "Store", conditions: module => module.default && module.default.Chat && module.default.Msg ? module.default : null }, { id: "MediaCollection", conditions: module => module.default && module.default.prototype && module.default.prototype.processAttachments ? module.default : null }, { id: "MediaProcess", conditions: module => (module.BLOB ? module : null) }, { id: "Wap", conditions: module => (module.createGroup ? module : null) }, { id: "ServiceWorker", conditions: module => module.default && module.default.killServiceWorker ? module : null }, { id: "State", conditions: module => (module.STATE && module.STREAM ? module : null) }, { id: "WapDelete", conditions: module => module.sendConversationDelete && module.sendConversationDelete.length == 2 ? module : null }, { id: "Conn", conditions: module => module.default && module.default.ref && module.default.refTTL ? module.default : null }, // { id: "WapQuery", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.queryExist) ? module.default : null }, { id: "WapQuery", conditions: module => module.default && module.instance && module.instance.queryExist ? module.instance : null }, { id: "FindChat", conditions: module => (module && module.findChat ? module : null) }, { id: "CryptoLib", conditions: module => (module.decryptE2EMedia ? module : null) }, { id: "OpenChat", conditions: module => module.default && module.default.prototype && module.default.prototype.openChat ? module.default : null }, { id: "UserConstructor", conditions: module => module.default && module.default.prototype && module.default.prototype.isServer && module.default.prototype.isUser ? module.default : null }, { id: "SendTextMsgToChat", conditions: module => module.sendTextMsgToChat ? module.sendTextMsgToChat : null }, { id: "SendSeen", conditions: module => (module.sendSeen ? module.sendSeen : null) }, { id: "sendDelete", conditions: module => (module.sendDelete ? module.sendDelete : null) }, { id: "NumQuery", conditions: module => (module.queryExist ? module.queryExist : null) }, //{ id: "Cmd", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.openChatFromUnread) ? module : null }, //old { id: "Cmd", conditions: module => (module && module.Cmd ? module.Cmd : null) }, //2021-12-17 { id: "ReadSeen", conditions: module => (module.sendSeen ? module : null) }, { id: "FeatureChecker", conditions: module => module && module.getProtobufFeatureName ? module : null } ]; for (let idx in modules) { if (typeof modules[idx] === "object" && modules[idx] !== null) { neededObjects.forEach(needObj => { if (!needObj.conditions || needObj.foundedModule) return; let neededModule = needObj.conditions(modules[idx]); if (neededModule !== null) { foundCount++; needObj.foundedModule = neededModule; } });
var childM = modules[idx];
for (let i in childM) {
if (typeof childM[i] === "object" && childM[i] !== null) {
if (childM[i].queryExist != null) {
neededObjects.forEach(needObj => {
if (needObj.id == "NumQuery") {
needObj.foundedModule = childM[i];
if (foundCount == neededObjects.length) {
let neededStore = neededObjects.find(needObj => needObj.id === "Store");
window.Store = neededStore.foundedModule ? neededStore.foundedModule : {};
neededObjects.splice(neededObjects.indexOf(neededStore), 1);
neededObjects.forEach(needObj => {
if (needObj.foundedModule) {
window.Store[needObj.id] = needObj.foundedModule;
window.Store.Chat.modelClass.prototype.sendMessage = function(e) {
window.Store.SendTextMsgToChat(this, ...arguments);
return window.Store;
if (typeof webpackJsonp === "function") {
webpackJsonp([], { parasite: (x, y, z) => getStore(z) }, ["parasite"]);
} else {
let tag = new Date().getTime();
["parasite" + tag],
function(o, e, t) {
let modules = [];
for (let idx in o.m) {
let module = o(idx);
})(); }
window.WAPI = { lastRead: {} };
window.WAPI._serializeRawObj = obj => { if (obj) { return obj.toJSON(); } return {}; };
- Serializes a chat object
- @param rawChat Chat object
- @returns {{}} */
window.WAPI._serializeChatObj = obj => { if (obj == undefined) { return null; }
return Object.assign(window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj), { kind: obj.kind, isGroup: obj.isGroup, contact: obj["contact"] ? window.WAPI._serializeContactObj(obj["contact"]) : null, groupMetadata: obj["groupMetadata"] ? window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj["groupMetadata"]) : null, presence: obj["presence"] ? window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj["presence"]) : null, msgs: null }); };
window.WAPI._serializeContactObj = obj => { if (obj == undefined) { return null; }
return Object.assign(window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj), { formattedName: obj.formattedName, isHighLevelVerified: obj.isHighLevelVerified, isMe: obj.isMe, isMyContact: obj.isMyContact, isPSA: obj.isPSA, isUser: obj.isUser, isVerified: obj.isVerified, isWAContact: obj.isWAContact, profilePicThumbObj: obj.profilePicThumb ? WAPI._serializeProfilePicThumb(obj.profilePicThumb) : {}, statusMute: obj.statusMute, msgs: null }); };
/* window.WAPI._serializeMessageObj = (obj) => { if (obj == undefined) { return null; }
return Object.assign(window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj), {
id: obj.id._serialized,
sender: obj["senderObj"] ? WAPI._serializeContactObj(obj["senderObj"]) : null,
timestamp: obj["t"],
content: obj["body"],
isGroupMsg: obj.isGroupMsg,
isLink: obj.isLink,
isMMS: obj.isMMS,
isMedia: obj.isMedia,
isNotification: obj.isNotification,
isPSA: obj.isPSA,
type: obj.type,
chat: WAPI._serializeChatObj(obj['chat']),
chatId: obj.id.remote,
quotedMsgObj: WAPI._serializeMessageObj(obj['_quotedMsgObj']),
mediaData: window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj['mediaData'])
}; */
window.WAPI._serializeMessageObj = obj => { if (obj == undefined) { return null; } const _chat = obj["chat"] ? WAPI._serializeChatObj(obj["chat"]) : {}; if (obj.quotedMsg) obj.quotedMsgObj(); return Object.assign(window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj), { id: obj.id._serialized, //add 02/06/2020 mike --> quotedParticipant: obj.quotedParticipant ? obj.quotedParticipant._serialized ? obj.quotedParticipant._serialized : undefined : undefined, author: obj.author ? obj.author._serialized ? obj.author._serialized : undefined : undefined, chatId: obj.chatId ? obj.chatId._serialized ? obj.chatId._serialized : undefined : undefined, to: obj.to ? obj.to._serialized ? obj.to._serialized : undefined : undefined, fromMe: obj.id.fromMe, //add 02/06/2020 mike <--
sender: obj["senderObj"]
? WAPI._serializeContactObj(obj["senderObj"])
: null,
timestamp: obj["t"],
content: obj["body"],
isGroupMsg: obj.isGroupMsg,
isLink: obj.isLink,
isMMS: obj.isMMS,
isMedia: obj.isMedia,
isNotification: obj.isNotification,
isPSA: obj.isPSA,
type: obj.type,
chat: _chat,
isOnline: _chat.isOnline,
lastSeen: _chat.lastSeen,
chatId: obj.id.remote,
quotedMsgObj: WAPI._serializeMessageObj(obj["_quotedMsgObj"]),
mediaData: window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj["mediaData"]),
reply: body => window.WAPI.reply(_chat.id._serialized, body, obj)
}); };
window.WAPI._serializeNumberStatusObj = obj => { if (obj == undefined) { return null; }
return Object.assign( {}, { id: obj.jid, status: obj.status, isBusiness: obj.biz === true, canReceiveMessage: obj.status === 200 } ); };
window.WAPI._serializeProfilePicThumb = obj => { if (obj == undefined) { return null; }
return Object.assign( {}, { eurl: obj.eurl, id: obj.id, img: obj.img, imgFull: obj.imgFull, raw: obj.raw, tag: obj.tag } ); };
window.WAPI.createGroup = function(name, contactsId) { if (!Array.isArray(contactsId)) { contactsId = [contactsId]; }
return window.Store.Wap.createGroup(name, contactsId); };
window.WAPI.leaveGroup = function(groupId) { groupId = typeof groupId == "string" ? groupId : groupId._serialized; var group = WAPI.getChat(groupId); return group.sendExit(); };
window.WAPI.getAllContacts = function(done) { const contacts = window.Store.Contact.map(contact => WAPI._serializeContactObj(contact) ); if (done !== undefined) done(contacts); return contacts; };
- Fetches all contact objects from store, filters them
- @param done Optional callback function for async execution
- @returns {Array|*} List of contacts */ window.WAPI.getMyContacts = function(done) { const contacts = window.Store.Contact.filter( contact => contact.isMyContact === true ).map(contact => WAPI._serializeContactObj(contact)); if (done !== undefined) done(contacts); return contacts; };
- Fetches contact object from store by ID
- @param id ID of contact
- @param done Optional callback function for async execution
- @returns {T|*} Contact object */ window.WAPI.getContact = function(id, done) { const found = window.Store.Contact.get(id);
if (done !== undefined) done(window.WAPI._serializeContactObj(found)); return window.WAPI._serializeContactObj(found); };
- Fetches all chat objects from store
- @param done Optional callback function for async execution
- @returns {Array|*} List of chats */ window.WAPI.getAllChats = function(done) { const chats = window.Store.Chat.map(chat => WAPI._serializeChatObj(chat));
if (done !== undefined) done(chats); return chats; };
window.WAPI.haveNewMsg = function(chat) { return chat.unreadCount > 0; };
window.WAPI.getAllChatsWithNewMsg = function(done) { const chats = window.Store.Chat.filter(window.WAPI.haveNewMsg).map(chat => WAPI._serializeChatObj(chat) );
if (done !== undefined) done(chats); return chats; };
- Fetches all chat IDs from store
- @param done Optional callback function for async execution
- @returns {Array|*} List of chat id's */ window.WAPI.getAllChatIds = function(done) { const chatIds = window.Store.Chat.map(chat => chat.id._serialized || chat.id);
if (done !== undefined) done(chatIds); return chatIds; };
- Fetches all groups objects from store
- @param done Optional callback function for async execution
- @returns {Array|*} List of chats */ window.WAPI.getAllGroups = function(done) { const groups = window.Store.Chat.filter(chat => chat.isGroup);
if (done !== undefined) done(groups); return groups; };
- Fetches chat object from store by ID
- @param id ID of chat
- @param done Optional callback function for async execution
- @returns {T|*} Chat object / / window.WAPI.getChat = function (id, done) { id = typeof id == "string" ? id : id._serialized; const found = window.Store.Chat.get(id); found.sendMessage = (found.sendMessage) ? found.sendMessage : function () { return window.Store.sendMessage.apply(this, arguments); }; if (done !== undefined) done(found); return found; } */ window.WAPI.getChat = function(id) { id = typeof id == "string" ? id : id._serialized; const found = window.Store.Chat.get(id); if (found) found.sendMessage = found.sendMessage ? found.sendMessage : function() { return window.Store.sendMessage.apply(this, arguments); }; return found; };
window.WAPI.getChatByName = function(name, done) { const found = window.WAPI.getAllChats().find(val => val.name.includes(name)); if (done !== undefined) done(found); return found; };
window.WAPI.sendImageFromDatabasePicBot = function(picId, chatId, caption) { var chatDatabase = window.WAPI.getChatByName("DATABASEPICBOT"); var msgWithImg = chatDatabase.msgs.find(msg => msg.caption == picId);
if (msgWithImg === undefined) { return false; } var chatSend = WAPI.getChat(chatId); if (chatSend === undefined) { return false; } const oldCaption = msgWithImg.caption;
msgWithImg.id.id = window.WAPI.getNewId(); msgWithImg.id.remote = chatId; msgWithImg.t = Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1000); msgWithImg.to = chatId;
if (caption !== undefined && caption !== "") { msgWithImg.caption = caption; } else { msgWithImg.caption = ""; }
msgWithImg.collection.send(msgWithImg).then(function(e) { msgWithImg.caption = oldCaption; });
return true; };
window.WAPI.sendMessageWithThumb = function( thumb, url, title, description, text, chatId, done ) { var chatSend = WAPI.getChat(chatId); if (chatSend === undefined) { if (done !== undefined) done(false); return false; } var linkPreview = { canonicalUrl: url, description: description, matchedText: url, title: title, thumbnail: thumb, compose: true }; chatSend.sendMessage(text, { linkPreview: linkPreview, mentionedJidList: [], quotedMsg: null, quotedMsgAdminGroupJid: null }); if (done !== undefined) done(true); return true; };
window.WAPI.getNewId = function() { var text = ""; var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); return text; };
window.WAPI.getChatById = function(id, done) { let found = WAPI.getChat(id); if (found) { found = WAPI._serializeChatObj(found); } else { found = false; }
if (done !== undefined) done(found); return found; };
- I return all unread messages from an asked chat and mark them as read.
- :param id: chat id
- :type id: string
- :param includeMe: indicates if user messages have to be included
- :type includeMe: boolean
- :param includeNotifications: indicates if notifications have to be included
- :type includeNotifications: boolean
- :param done: callback passed by selenium
- :type done: function
- :returns: list of unread messages from asked chat
- :rtype: object */ window.WAPI.getUnreadMessagesInChat = function( id, includeMe, includeNotifications, done ) { // get chat and its messages let chat = WAPI.getChat(id); let messages = chat.msgs._models;
// initialize result list let output = [];
// look for unread messages, newest is at the end of array for (let i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // system message: skip it if (i === "remove") { continue; }
// get message
let messageObj = messages[i];
// found a read message: stop looking for others
if (
typeof messageObj.isNewMsg !== "boolean" ||
messageObj.isNewMsg === false
) {
} else {
messageObj.isNewMsg = false;
// process it
let message = WAPI.processMessageObj(
// save processed message on result list
if (message) output.push(message);
} // callback was passed: run it if (done !== undefined) done(output); // return result list return output; };
- Load more messages in chat object from store by ID
- @param id ID of chat
- @param done Optional callback function for async execution
- @returns None */ window.WAPI.loadEarlierMessages = function(id, done) { const found = WAPI.getChat(id); if (done !== undefined) { found.loadEarlierMsgs().then(function() { done(); }); } else { found.loadEarlierMsgs(); } };
- Load more messages in chat object from store by ID
- @param id ID of chat
- @param done Optional callback function for async execution
- @returns None */ window.WAPI.loadAllEarlierMessages = function(id, done) { const found = WAPI.getChat(id); x = function() { if (!found.msgs.msgLoadState.noEarlierMsgs) { found.loadEarlierMsgs().then(x); } else if (done) { done(); } }; x(); };
window.WAPI.asyncLoadAllEarlierMessages = function(id, done) { done(); window.WAPI.loadAllEarlierMessages(id); };
window.WAPI.areAllMessagesLoaded = function(id, done) { const found = WAPI.getChat(id); if (!found.msgs.msgLoadState.noEarlierMsgs) { if (done) done(false); return false; } if (done) done(true); return true; };
- Load more messages in chat object from store by ID till a particular date
- @param id ID of chat
- @param lastMessage UTC timestamp of last message to be loaded
- @param done Optional callback function for async execution
- @returns None */
window.WAPI.loadEarlierMessagesTillDate = function(id, lastMessage, done) { const found = WAPI.getChat(id); x = function() { if ( found.msgs.models[0].t > lastMessage && !found.msgs.msgLoadState.noEarlierMsgs ) { found.loadEarlierMsgs().then(x); } else { done(); } }; x(); };
- Fetches all group metadata objects from store
- @param done Optional callback function for async execution
- @returns {Array|*} List of group metadata */ window.WAPI.getAllGroupMetadata = function(done) { const groupData = window.Store.GroupMetadata.map(groupData => groupData.all);
if (done !== undefined) done(groupData); return groupData; };
- Fetches group metadata object from store by ID
- @param id ID of group
- @param done Optional callback function for async execution
- @returns {T|*} Group metadata object */ window.WAPI.getGroupMetadata = async function(id, done) { let output = window.Store.GroupMetadata.get(id);
if (output !== undefined) { if (output.stale) { await window.Store.GroupMetadata.update(id); } }
if (done !== undefined) done(output); return output; };
- Fetches group participants
- @param id ID of group
- @returns {Promise.<*>} Yields group metadata
- @private */ window.WAPI._getGroupParticipants = async function(id) { const metadata = await WAPI.getGroupMetadata(id); // Change for compatibility with WhatsApp metadata.participants.models = metadata.participants.models || metadata.participants._models; return metadata.participants; };
- Fetches IDs of group participants
- @param id ID of group
- @param done Optional callback function for async execution
- @returns {Promise.<Array|*>} Yields list of IDs */ window.WAPI.getGroupParticipantIDs = async function(id, done) { const output = (await WAPI._getGroupParticipants(id)).map( participant => participant.id );
if (done !== undefined) done(output); return output; };
window.WAPI.getGroupAdmins = async function(id, done) { const output = (await WAPI._getGroupParticipants(id)) .filter(participant => participant.isAdmin) .map(admin => admin.id);
if (done !== undefined) done(output); return output; };
- Gets object representing the logged in user
- @returns {Array|*|$q.all} */ //window.WAPI.getMe = function (done) { // const rawMe = window.Store.Contact.get(window.Store.Conn.me);
// if (done !== undefined) done(rawMe.all); // return rawMe.all; //}; window.WAPI.getMe = function(done) { const rawMe = window.Store.Contact.get(window.Store.Conn.__x_wid); let found = JSON.stringify(WAPI._serializeContactObj(rawMe)); if (done !== undefined) done(found); return found; };
window.WAPI.isLoggedIn = function(done) { // Contact always exists when logged in const isLogged = window.Store.Contact && window.Store.Contact.checksum !== undefined;
if (done !== undefined) done(isLogged); return isLogged; };
window.WAPI.isConnected = function(done) { // Phone Disconnected icon appears when phone is disconnected from the tnternet if (document.querySelectorAll("._22XJC._3C1U5").length) { return false; } const isConnected = document.querySelector('*[data-icon="alert-phone"]') !== null ? false : true; //const isConnected = (document.querySelector('[data-testid="alert-phone"]') == null && document.querySelector('[data-testid="alert-computer"]') == null) ? true : false; if (done !== undefined) done(isConnected); return isConnected; };
window.WAPI.processMessageObj = function( messageObj, includeMe, includeNotifications ) { if (messageObj.isNotification) { if (includeNotifications) return WAPI._serializeMessageObj(messageObj); else return; // System message // (i.e. "Messages you send to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption...") } else if (messageObj.id.fromMe === false || includeMe) { return WAPI._serializeMessageObj(messageObj); } return; };
window.WAPI.getAllMessagesInChat = function( id, includeMe, includeNotifications, done ) { const chat = WAPI.getChat(id); let output = []; const messages = chat.msgs._models;
for (const i in messages) { if (i === "remove") { continue; } const messageObj = messages[i];
let message = WAPI.processMessageObj(
if (message) output.push(message);
} if (done !== undefined) done(output); return output; };
window.WAPI.getAllMessageIdsInChat = function( id, includeMe, includeNotifications, done ) { const chat = WAPI.getChat(id); let output = []; const messages = chat.msgs._models;
for (const i in messages) { if ( i === "remove" || (!includeMe && messages[i].isMe) || (!includeNotifications && messages[i].isNotification) ) { continue; } output.push(messages[i].id._serialized); } if (done !== undefined) done(output); return output; };
window.WAPI.getMessageById = function(id, done) { let result = false; try { let msg = window.Store.Msg.get(id); if (msg) { result = WAPI.processMessageObj(msg, true, true); } } catch (err) {}
if (done !== undefined) { done(result); } else { return result; } };
window.WAPI.ReplyMessage = function(idMessage, message, done) { var messageObject = window.Store.Msg.get(idMessage); if (messageObject === undefined) { if (done !== undefined) done(false); return false; } messageObject = messageObject.value();
const chat = WAPI.getChat(messageObject.chat.id); if (chat !== undefined) { if (done !== undefined) { chat.sendMessage(message, null, messageObject).then(function() { function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }
var trials = 0;
function check() {
for (let i = chat.msgs.models.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let msg = chat.msgs.models[i];
if (!msg.senderObj.isMe || msg.body != message) {
return True;
trials += 1;
if (trials > 30) {
return true;
} else {
chat.sendMessage(message, null, messageObject);
return true;
} else { if (done !== undefined) done(false); return false; } };
window.WAPI.sendMessageToID = function(id, message, done) { try { window.getContact = id => { return Store.WapQuery.queryExist(id); }; window.getContact(id).then(contact => { if (contact.status === 404) { done(true); } else { Store.Chat.find(contact.jid) .then(chat => { chat.sendMessage(message); return true; }) .catch(reject => { if (WAPI.sendMessage(id, message)) { done(true); return true; } else { done(false); return false; } }); } }); } catch (e) { if (window.Store.Chat.length === 0) return false;
firstChat = Store.Chat.models[0];
var originalID = firstChat.id;
firstChat.id =
typeof originalID === "string"
? id
: new window.Store.UserConstructor(id, {
intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true
if (done !== undefined) {
firstChat.sendMessage(message).then(function() {
firstChat.id = originalID;
return true;
} else {
firstChat.id = originalID;
return true;
} if (done !== undefined) done(false); return false; };
window.WAPI.sendMessageToID2 = function(chatid, msgText) { var idUser = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatid, { intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true });
const teste = Store.FindChat.findChat(idUser).then(chatid => { console.log(teste); var mc = new Store.SendTextMsgToChat(chatid, msgText); return true; });
return teste; };
window.WAPI.sendMessage = function(id, message, done) { var chat = WAPI.getChat(id); if (chat !== undefined) { if (done !== undefined) { chat.sendMessage(message).then(function() { function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }
var trials = 0;
function check() {
for (let i = chat.msgs.models.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let msg = chat.msgs.models[i];
if (!msg.senderObj.isMe || msg.body != message) {
return True;
trials += 1;
if (trials > 30) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
} else { if (done !== undefined) done(false); return false; } };
window.WAPI.sendMessage2 = function(id, message, done) { var chat = WAPI.getChat(id); if (chat !== undefined) { try { if (done !== undefined) { chat.sendMessage(message).then(function() { done(true); }); } else { chat.sendMessage(message); } return true; } catch (error) { if (done !== undefined) done(false); return false; } } if (done !== undefined) done(false); return false; };
window.WAPI.sendSeen = function(id, done) { var chat = window.WAPI.getChat(id); if (chat !== undefined) { if (done !== undefined) { if (chat.getLastMsgKeyForAction === undefined) chat.getLastMsgKeyForAction = function() {}; Store.SendSeen(chat, false).then(function() { done(true); }); return true; } else { Store.SendSeen(chat, false); return true; } } if (done !== undefined) done(); return false; };
function isChatMessage(message) { if (message.isSentByMe) { return false; } if (message.isNotification) { return false; } if (!message.isUserCreatedType) { return false; } return true; }
window.WAPI.getUnreadMessages = function( includeMe, includeNotifications, use_unread_count, done ) { const chats = window.Store.Chat.models; let output = [];
for (let chat in chats) { if (isNaN(chat)) { continue; }
let messageGroupObj = chats[chat];
let messageGroup = WAPI._serializeChatObj(messageGroupObj);
messageGroup.messages = [];
const messages = messageGroupObj.msgs._models;
for (let i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let messageObj = messages[i];
if (
typeof messageObj.isNewMsg != "boolean" ||
messageObj.isNewMsg === false
) {
} else {
messageObj.isNewMsg = false;
let message = WAPI.processMessageObj(
if (message) {
if (messageGroup.messages.length > 0) {
} else {
// no messages with isNewMsg true
if (use_unread_count) {
let n = messageGroupObj.unreadCount; // will use unreadCount attribute to fetch last n messages from sender
for (let i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let messageObj = messages[i];
if (n > 0) {
if (!messageObj.isSentByMe) {
let message = WAPI.processMessageObj(
n -= 1;
} else if (n === -1) {
// chat was marked as unread so will fetch last message as unread
if (!messageObj.isSentByMe) {
let message = WAPI.processMessageObj(
} else {
// unreadCount = 0
if (messageGroup.messages.length > 0) {
messageGroupObj.unreadCount = 0; // reset unread counter
} if (done !== undefined) { done(output); } return output; };
window.WAPI.getGroupOwnerID = async function(id, done) { const output = (await WAPI.getGroupMetadata(id)).owner.id; if (done !== undefined) { done(output); } return output; };
window.WAPI.getCommonGroups = async function(id, done) { let output = [];
groups = window.WAPI.getAllGroups();
for (let idx in groups) { try { participants = await window.WAPI.getGroupParticipantIDs(groups[idx].id); if (participants.filter(participant => participant == id).length) { output.push(groups[idx]); } } catch (err) { console.log("Error in group:"); console.log(groups[idx]); console.log(err); } }
if (done !== undefined) { done(output); } return output; };
window.WAPI.getProfilePicSmallFromId = function(id, done) { window.Store.ProfilePicThumb.find(id).then( function(d) { if (d.img !== undefined) { window.WAPI.downloadFileWithCredentials(d.img, done); } else { done(false); } }, function(e) { done(false); } ); };
window.WAPI.getProfilePicFromId = function(id, done) { window.Store.ProfilePicThumb.find(id).then( function(d) { if (d.imgFull !== undefined) { window.WAPI.downloadFileWithCredentials(d.imgFull, done); } else { done(false); } }, function(e) { done(false); } ); };
window.WAPI.downloadFileWithCredentials = function(url, done) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { let reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(xhr.response); reader.onload = function(e) { done(reader.result.substr(reader.result.indexOf(",") + 1)); }; } else { console.error(xhr.statusText); } } else { console.log(err); done(false); } };
xhr.open("GET", url, true); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.send(null); };
window.WAPI.downloadFile = function(url, done) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { let reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(xhr.response); reader.onload = function(e) { done(reader.result.substr(reader.result.indexOf(",") + 1)); }; } else { console.error(xhr.statusText); } } else { console.log(err); done(false); } };
xhr.open("GET", url, true); xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.send(null); };
window.WAPI.getBatteryLevel = function(done) { if (window.Store.Conn.plugged) { if (done !== undefined) { done(100); } return 100; } output = window.Store.Conn.battery; if (done !== undefined) { done(output); } return output; };
window.WAPI.deleteConversation = function(chatId, done) { let userId = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatId, { intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true }); let conversation = WAPI.getChat(userId);
if (!conversation) { if (done !== undefined) { done(false); } return false; }
window.Store.sendDelete(conversation, false) .then(() => { if (done !== undefined) { done(true); } }) .catch(() => { if (done !== undefined) { done(false); } });
return true; };
window.WAPI.deleteMessage = function( chatId, messageArray, revoke = false, done ) { let userId = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatId, { intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true }); let conversation = WAPI.getChat(userId);
if (!conversation) { if (done !== undefined) { done(false); } return false; }
if (!Array.isArray(messageArray)) { messageArray = [messageArray]; } let messagesToDelete = messageArray.map(msgId => window.Store.Msg.get(msgId));
if (revoke) { conversation.sendRevokeMsgs(messagesToDelete, conversation); } else { conversation.sendDeleteMsgs(messagesToDelete, conversation); }
if (done !== undefined) { done(true); }
return true; };
window.WAPI.checkNumberStatus = function(id, done) { window.Store.WapQuery.queryExist(id) .then(result => { if (done !== undefined) { if (result.jid === undefined) throw 404; done(window.WAPI._serializeNumberStatusObj(result)); } }) .catch(e => { if (done !== undefined) { done( window.WAPI._serializeNumberStatusObj({ status: e, jid: id }) ); } });
return true; };
- New messages observable functions. */ window.WAPI._newMessagesQueue = []; window.WAPI._newMessagesBuffer = sessionStorage.getItem("saved_msgs") != null ? JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("saved_msgs")) : []; window.WAPI._newMessagesDebouncer = null; window.WAPI._newMessagesCallbacks = [];
window.Store.Msg.off("add"); sessionStorage.removeItem("saved_msgs");
window.WAPI._newMessagesListener = window.Store.Msg.on("add", newMessage => { if (newMessage && newMessage.isNewMsg && !newMessage.isSentByMe) { let message = window.WAPI.processMessageObj(newMessage, false, false); if (message) { window.WAPI._newMessagesQueue.push(message); window.WAPI._newMessagesBuffer.push(message); }
console.log("有新消息推送了~", newMessage);
// Starts debouncer time to don't call a callback for each message if more than one message arrives
// in the same second
if (
!window.WAPI._newMessagesDebouncer &&
window.WAPI._newMessagesQueue.length > 0
) {
window.WAPI._newMessagesDebouncer = setTimeout(() => {
let queuedMessages = window.WAPI._newMessagesQueue;
window.WAPI._newMessagesDebouncer = null;
window.WAPI._newMessagesQueue = [];
let removeCallbacks = [];
window.WAPI._newMessagesCallbacks.forEach(function(callbackObj) {
if (callbackObj.callback !== undefined) {
if (callbackObj.rmAfterUse === true) {
// Remove removable callbacks.
removeCallbacks.forEach(function(rmCallbackObj) {
let callbackIndex = window.WAPI._newMessagesCallbacks.indexOf(
window.WAPI._newMessagesCallbacks.splice(callbackIndex, 1);
}, 1000);
} });
window.WAPI._unloadInform = event => { // Save in the buffer the ungot unreaded messages window.WAPI._newMessagesBuffer.forEach(message => { Object.keys(message).forEach(key => message[key] === undefined ? delete message[key] : "" ); }); sessionStorage.setItem( "saved_msgs", JSON.stringify(window.WAPI._newMessagesBuffer) );
// Inform callbacks that the page will be reloaded. window.WAPI._newMessagesCallbacks.forEach(function(callbackObj) { if (callbackObj.callback !== undefined) { callbackObj.callback({ status: -1, message: "page will be reloaded, wait and register callback again." }); } }); };
window.addEventListener("unload", window.WAPI._unloadInform, false); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", window.WAPI._unloadInform, false); window.addEventListener("pageunload", window.WAPI._unloadInform, false);
- Registers a callback to be called when a new message arrives the WAPI.
- @param rmCallbackAfterUse - Boolean - Specify if the callback need to be executed only once
- @param done - function - Callback function to be called when a new message arrives.
- @returns {boolean} */ window.WAPI.waitNewMessages = function(rmCallbackAfterUse = true, done) { window.WAPI._newMessagesCallbacks.push({ callback: done, rmAfterUse: rmCallbackAfterUse }); return true; };
- Reads buffered new messages.
- @param done - function - Callback function to be called contained the buffered messages.
- @returns {Array} / window.WAPI.getBufferedNewMessages = function(done) { let bufferedMessages = window.WAPI._newMessagesBuffer; window.WAPI._newMessagesBuffer = []; if (done !== undefined) { done(bufferedMessages); } return bufferedMessages; }; /* End new messages observable functions **/
window.WAPI.sendImage = function(imgBase64, chatid, filename, caption, done) { //var idUser = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatid); var idUser = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatid, { intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true });
function send(chat) { var mediaBlob = window.WAPI.base64ImageToFile(imgBase64, filename); var mc = new Store.MediaCollection(chat); mc.processAttachments([{ file: mediaBlob }, 1], chat, 1) .then(() => { // var media = mc.models[0]; var media = mc._models[0]; media.sendToChat(chat, { caption: caption }); if (done !== undefined) done(true); }) .catch(err => { console.log("upload --- handle---error", err); }); }
// create new chat return Store.Chat.find(idUser) .then(chat => { send(chat); }) .catch(async err => { // Query the mobile phone number and obtain the mobile phone number, there are differences // (610481277023 :: 61481277023) // Use the current chat window await WAPI.createMessageLink(chatid, "hi"); let activeChat = Store.Chat.getActive(); console.log("使用当前激活对象发送", activeChat); send(activeChat); }); };
window.WAPI.base64ImageToFile = function(b64Data, filename) { var arr = b64Data.split(","); var mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1]; var bstr = atob(arr[1]); var n = bstr.length; var u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
while (n--) { u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n); }
return new File([u8arr], filename, { type: mime }); };
- Send contact card to a specific chat using the chat ids
- @param {string} to '[email protected]'
- @param {string|array} contact '[email protected]' | ['[email protected]', '[email protected], ... '[email protected]'] */ window.WAPI.sendContact = function(to, contact) { if (!Array.isArray(contact)) { contact = [contact]; } contact = contact.map(c => { return WAPI.getChat(c).__x_contact; });
if (contact.length > 1) { window.WAPI.getChat(to).sendContactList(contact); } else if (contact.length === 1) { window.WAPI.getChat(to).sendContact(contact[0]); } };
- Create an chat ID based in a cloned one
- @param {string} chatId '[email protected]' */ window.WAPI.getNewMessageId = function(chatId) { var newMsgId = Store.Msg.models[0].__x_id.clone();
newMsgId.fromMe = true;
newMsgId.id = WAPI.getNewId().toUpperCase();
newMsgId.remote = chatId;
newMsgId._serialized = ${newMsgId.fromMe}_${newMsgId.remote}_${newMsgId.id}
return newMsgId; };
- Send Customized VCard without the necessity of contact be a Whatsapp Contact
- @param {string} chatId '[email protected]'
- @param {object|array} vcard { displayName: 'Contact Name', vcard: 'BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:;Contact Name;;;\nEND:VCARD' } | [{ displayName: 'Contact Name 1', vcard: 'BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:;Contact Name 1;;;\nEND:VCARD' }, { displayName: 'Contact Name 2', vcard: 'BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:;Contact Name 2;;;\nEND:VCARD' }] */ window.WAPI.sendVCard = function(chatId, vcard) { var chat = Store.Chat.get(chatId); var tempMsg = Object.create( Store.Msg.models.filter(msg => msg.__x_isSentByMe)[0] ); var newId = window.WAPI.getNewMessageId(chatId);
var extend = { ack: 0, id: newId, local: !0, self: "out", t: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000), to: chatId, isNewMsg: !0 };
if (Array.isArray(vcard)) { Object.assign(extend, { type: "multi_vcard", vcardList: vcard });
delete extend.body;
} else { Object.assign(extend, { type: "vcard", subtype: vcard.displayName, body: vcard.vcard });
delete extend.vcardList;
Object.assign(tempMsg, extend);
chat.addAndSendMsg(tempMsg); };
- Block contact
- @param {string} id '[email protected]'
- @param {*} done - function - Callback function to be called when a new message arrives. / window.WAPI.contactBlock = function(id, done) { const contact = window.Store.Contact.get(id); if (contact !== undefined) { contact.setBlock(!0); done(true); return true; } done(false); return false; }; /*
- unBlock contact
- @param {string} id '[email protected]'
- @param {*} done - function - Callback function to be called when a new message arrives. */ window.WAPI.contactUnblock = function(id, done) { const contact = window.Store.Contact.get(id); if (contact !== undefined) { contact.setBlock(!1); done(true); return true; } done(false); return false; };
- Remove participant of Group
- @param {*} idGroup '[email protected]'
- @param {*} idParticipant '[email protected]'
- @param {*} done - function - Callback function to be called when a new message arrives. */ window.WAPI.removeParticipantGroup = function(idGroup, idParticipant, done) { window.Store.WapQuery.removeParticipants(idGroup, [idParticipant]).then( () => { const metaDataGroup = window.Store.GroupMetadata.get(id); checkParticipant = metaDataGroup.participants._index[idParticipant]; if (checkParticipant === undefined) { done(true); return true; } } ); };
- Promote Participant to Admin in Group
- @param {*} idGroup '[email protected]'
- @param {*} idParticipant '[email protected]'
- @param {*} done - function - Callback function to be called when a new message arrives. */ window.WAPI.promoteParticipantAdminGroup = function( idGroup, idParticipant, done ) { window.Store.WapQuery.promoteParticipants(idGroup, [idParticipant]).then( () => { const metaDataGroup = window.Store.GroupMetadata.get(id); checkParticipant = metaDataGroup.participants._index[idParticipant]; if (checkParticipant !== undefined && checkParticipant.isAdmin) { done(true); return true; } done(false); return false; } ); };
- Demote Admin of Group
- @param {*} idGroup '[email protected]'
- @param {*} idParticipant '[email protected]'
- @param {*} done - function - Callback function to be called when a new message arrives. */ window.WAPI.demoteParticipantAdminGroup = function( idGroup, idParticipant, done ) { window.Store.WapQuery.demoteParticipants(idGroup, [idParticipant]).then( () => { const metaDataGroup = window.Store.GroupMetadata.get(id); if (metaDataGroup === undefined) { done(false); return false; } checkParticipant = metaDataGroup.participants._index[idParticipant]; if (checkParticipant !== undefined && checkParticipant.isAdmin) { done(false); return false; } done(true); return true; } ); };
window.WAPI.openChat = function(chatId) { const chat = Store.Chat.get(chatId); //const result = Store.Cmd.default.openChatBottom(chat); //const result = window.mR.findModule('Cmd')[0].Cmd.openChatBottom(chat); const result = Store.Cmd.openChatBottom(chat); return result; };
- Opens chat at given message position
- This is a UI proccess, use this in a queue
- @param {string} chatId Chat id
- @param {string} messageId Message id: (For example: '06D3AB3D0EEB9D077A3F9A3EFF4DD030')
- @returns {{wasVisible: boolean, alignAt: string}}: {wasVisible: false, alignAt: "center"}
- ¿ÉÒÔ¶¨Î»ÁÄÌì´°¿ÚÏûÏ¢µÄλÖà */ window.WAPI.openChatAt = async function(chatId, messageId) { const chat = Store.Chat.get(chatId); const atMessage = chat.msgs.models.find(model => model.id.id === messageId); const args = { collection: chat.msgs, msg: atMessage, isUnreadDivider: false }; //const result = await Store.Cmd.default._openChat(chat, args); const result = await Store.Cmd._openChat(chat, args); return result; };
// kinfai ------------------------- window.WAPI.getAllChatRecord = function() { let { user: belong_whats_app_num } = Store2.User.getMe();
let users = window.Store.Chat._models.filter(item => item.kind !== "group"); let contacts = users.map(item => { try { let { __x_img, __x_imgFull } = window.Store.ProfilePicThumb._index[ item.id._serialized ]; item.profile_picture = __x_imgFull; } catch (error) { item.profile_picture = ""; } let title = item.title(); let area_code = Store2.NumberInfo.findCC(item.id.user) || "no"; return { whats_app_num: item.id.user, whats_app_server: item.id.server, area_code, name: item.name || title || "no name", keyword: "", profile_picture: item.profile_picture, description: "", type: 2, belong_whats_app_num }; });
// console.log("执行结果", contacts) return contacts; };
window.WAPI.getAllChatMsg = async function(loading = false) {
// function getLocalTime(nS) {
// return new Date(parseInt(nS) * 1000).toLocaleString().replace(/年|月/g, "-").replace(/日/g, " ");
// }
let chats = window.Store.Chat._models.filter(item => item.kind !== "group");
let { server, user } = Store2.User.getMe();
let myAccount = ${user}@${server}
if (loading) {
for (let chat of chats) {
await chat.loadEarlierMsgs();
return chats.map(chat => {
let { _serialized: chatAccount } = chat.id;
return chat.msgs._models.map(msg => {
let { id: messageObj, from, to, body, type, t } = msg;
let obj = {
message_id: messageObj.id,
send_status: 1,
remark: "",
size: "",
url: "",
create_time: t,
// tDesc: getLocalTime(t)
return obj;
window.WAPI.logout = () => { document.querySelector("[data-testid=menu]").click(); document.querySelectorAll("._2oldI.dJxPU")[3].click(); };
window.WAPI.sotreFindChat = (phone, type = "_serialized") => { let target = Store.Chat._models.find(item => item.id[type] === phone); if (target) { return target; } else { return undefined; } };
window.WAPI.isMultiDeviceVersion = function() { // try { // let resp = window.Store.FeatureChecker.GK.features['MD_BACKEND'] // return resp // } catch { // return false // } let a = Store.WapQuery.queryExist("[email protected]"); console.log(a, "a"); if (a._value) { return false; } else { return true; } }; window.WAPI.isMultiDeviceVersion2 = async function() { if (window.WAPI.isMultiDevice === undefined) { try { let res = await window.mR .findModule("QueryExist")[0] .QueryExist("[email protected]"); window.WAPI.isMultiDevice = res !== undefined; return window.WAPI.isMultiDevice; } catch (error) { window.WAPI.isMultiDevice = false; return false; } } else { return window.WAPI.isMultiDevice; } };
window.WAPI.createMessageLink = (number, text) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const encodedText = text;
const link = document.createElement("a");
function loadOk() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let timer = null;
timer = setInterval(() => {
const is = document.querySelector("._3J6wB");
if (!is) {
}, 100);
setTimeout(async () => {
await loadOk();
}, 1000);
}); };
// 常规load-user,后发送 window.WAPI.createMessageLinkSend = async (number, text) => { let timer = null; await window.WAPI.createMessageLink(number, text); return new Promise(resolve => { timer = setInterval(() => { // let target = document.querySelector("._4sWnG") let target = document.querySelector("[data-icon='send']"); if (target) { target.click(); clearInterval(timer); resolve(); } }, 1000); }); };
// 获取聊天对象以及通讯录 WAPI.getAllChatAndPhone = () => { let iframeGroup = WAPI.getAllChats() .filter(item => !item.isGroup) .map(item => item.id) .map(item => { return { number: item.user, name: "" }; });
let phoneGroup = WAPI.getMyContacts() .map(item => { return { number: item.id.user, name: item.formattedName || item.name }; }) .forEach(row => { let target = iframeGroup.find(item => item.number === row.number); if (target) { target.name = row.name; } else { iframeGroup.push(row); } });
return iframeGroup; };
@RDKclick Can you please send your wapi.js? still i have issue for image
@RDKclick Still not working sendimage.