Alternatively, update Play services to the version that is currently in alpha in Apps (23.05.13).
Is Bluetooth turned on?
Nextcloud app is writing a lot of data to the log, which pushes out Android Auto log data. Disable Nextcloud app temporarily, then capture a system log again.
Did you install Home Assistant through the Play Store?
You're running an outdated GrapheneOS version, try again after updating.
Capture a full system log after reproducing this crash by going to Settings -> System -> View logs and selecting "Share" or "Save" option. Send the log file to my...
@Sluglips Not clear from the log what's the root cause of this issue.
Additional logs would not help. There must be something unusual in your configuration, this is not a widespread issue.
There's not enough info in this report. Are you trying to connect with a cable or wirelessly? Have you granted the necessary permissions to Android Auto app?
Crash report suggest that this is a USB connectivity issue. Try a different USB cable.