FreeStreamer copied to clipboard
A low-memory footprint streaming audio player for iOS and OS X
play video url "" time is 6:05; but duration show 5:20;
In my pod: pod 'FreeStreamer', '~> 3.8.0' or pod 'FreeStreamer' But I always get 3.8.0' If I set pod 'FreeStreamer', '~> 3.8.3' I have an error
"stateChangeWith" delegate method enter in (case .fsAudioStreamFailed:) when my app is on background. case .fsAudioStreamRetryingStarted: not working on background It works when app is on foreground but when app is...
Can't you play it while recording? How to configure?Thinks!
if pause acts as play/pause toggle _wasPaused should get updated.
SEGV_ACCERR FreeStreamer _ZN9astreamer12Audio_Stream17cleanupCachedDataEv
please check this ticket for details