Musashi Hinck
Musashi Hinck
Also getting this error, both on Arch Linux armv7 and Fedora 33.
Running into the same issue. Pretty sure it's related to #63, wasn't able to make that solution work for me though.
I would be happy to take this up if you're looking for an extra pair of hands!
Using the `` script above runs into a different error when used directly on the IML checkpoints: ``` ['--model-parallel-size', '2', '--distributed-world-size', '2', '--ddp-backend', 'pytorch_ddp', '--task', 'language_modeling', '--bpe-merges', '../OPT-IML-30B/gpt2-merges.txt', '--merges-filename', '../OPT-IML-30B/gpt2-merges.txt',...