WhatsApp-Clone-React copied to clipboard
Fullstack clone of WhatsApp Web (PUBLIC ROOMS), created with React and Firebase.
Table of contents
- General info
- Features
- Technologies
- Steps on how to clone
- Steps on how to setup hosting
General info
This a WhatsApp Web clone that is still a work in progress. Users can only create public rooms.
- Add/Delete Room (only admin or room owner can delete the room)
- Update User Profile: Name, About, Profile Photo
- Upload photos and videos (cannot upload multiple files)
- Search rooms and messages
- Emojis
Project is created with:
- React
- React Context API
- React Router v5.2.0
- React Player v2.6.2
- React Toastify v6.0.8
- Emoji Mart v3.0.0"
- Material-Ui v4.11.0
- Firebase: Authentication, Cloud Firestore(db), Storage, Hosting
Steps on how to clone
1: Clone this repo using this command
git clone https://github.com/muga-mark/WhatsApp-Clone-React.git
2: Enter
cd WhatsApp-Clone-React
3: Next
npm install
4: Goto src/components
& Find file named firebase2.js
=> Rename the file to firebase.js
and input your config data.
5: Now, Goto src
directory again and find file named .firebasesrc
Replace the line "default": "your_project__name"
& save.
6: Hit npm start
in terminal.
Set Up Hosting in Firebase
1: Hit command firebase init
2: Enter Yes
3: Goto the 4th option says - "Configure and Deploy firebase Hosting sites", Use Arrow key to go down & Hit spacebar to select the option and then hit Enter key
4: Enter build
for directory && select Yes
for for as a single-page app and No
for Overwrite.
5: After initialization Completed. Enter
npm run build
6: Now the last command
Enter firebase deploy