Update: I commented-out the requestLayout() call and everything still worked as expected, but without performance issues. Are you sure that the requestLayout is really needed? Could you maybe elaborate a...
@venkat230278 Hi, I just tried version 1.0.4 and faced the problem described here. I put together a small demo app for debugging: It starts in landscape mode. If you...
@RuiRoque are you sure about this? Did you try it with list items really higher than the available screen size? I just updated my DemoProject and each list item uses...
@RuiRoque Thanks for your explanation and code! As far as I understand all the code examples I can find, they either - use random height values for testing purposes or...
I'm also very interested in this feature (see Issue 153). I'd suggest that the menu is working/clickable in both styles (collapsed and opened), because otherwise I see no reason to...
Hi there! Are there any news on this feature? Really looking forward to use this peek margin! Thanks so far, flo