Ive checked the Rapid Codes from the `abb_driver ` and i seems like i have to rewrite some functions. The following statements do not exist in RobotWare 2.1 (I put...
Its pretty hard to get the Multitasking option atm as it also takes too much time. I think the easier way for me would be to use rosserial and to...
Thats true, sorry for that. I will open a new topic there and describe the problem. The new topic is here now: [ABB_Serial](
> already the 1st createTrackbar() calls Refresh() (since there is a value pointer), and the other two bars are not yet created: > > ``` > Thread 1 hit Breakpoint...
I solved the problem. It was what i was already guessing that using pin 0 und 1 is not possible because they are reserved for USB. Since I have an...