Are there any tips for debugging this? I've spent a fair amount of time on it and I'm not getting anywhere. As someone said on pcbway, the 232 chip gets...
Thanks so much for the response. I love your channel. I thought when I made the first one, I had tried to hook it to the serial monitor. I'd have...
I used 1uf caps. I at least socketed this 232, so I have room to experiment. I will pull it apart, check and report back. Thanks so much for your...
I get exactly the same issue. I should add that I get this on an original 5150 motherboard, not a turbo xt.
Can confirm that I had to go back to v2.4 to get this to work on my 8088 machine at all. For those not versed in git [](url) and hit...
How did you get it to work? I have my correct username/password etc and it never connects